Why do Protestants (I’m referring to those who believe Jesus had biological brothers) take the reference to James as “the brother of Jesus” literally? I asked several of my Protestant friends whether or not they believed Jesus had biological brothers or sisters, and without exception (or delay), they all said, “Yes, He did.” They couldn’t all name Jesus’ so-called brothers, but they were sure nonetheless that He had at least one. Even when presented with overwhelming evidence that Mary had no other children, they still refuse to accept it.
Although the Bible isn’t quite as clear as one would like, the early Church Fathers and even many key Reformers unanimously supported belief in Mary’s perpetual virginity. Nevertheless, my non-Catholic friends insist that the word “brother” used in this case is meant literally.
Any insight into why this is such a hard teaching to understand, or believe, would be greatly appreciated.
Although the Bible isn’t quite as clear as one would like, the early Church Fathers and even many key Reformers unanimously supported belief in Mary’s perpetual virginity. Nevertheless, my non-Catholic friends insist that the word “brother” used in this case is meant literally.
Any insight into why this is such a hard teaching to understand, or believe, would be greatly appreciated.