I just wanted to know what everyone’s opinions were when it comes to jealousy in relationships. I know jealousy is a natural occurrence, but there are times where it can get out of hand …
can someone explain what they may see as natural or healthy jealous tendencies?
what are examples of unhealthy jealous tendencies?
how do you deal with your spouse/gf/bf’s friends of the opposite sex? is it healthy to cut yourself off from friends of the opposite sex if you’re in a relationship?
Personally, to simplify the issue of healthy vs unhealthy jealousy I would say:
If your jealous feelings do any harm they are unhealthy.
If your jealous feelings do not do any harm, and maybe even some good comes out of them, they are healthy.
For example, if your spouse is “hit on” by a member of the opposite sex at a social function and it invokes the jealously in you:
*it is unhealthy if you say something nasty to that person (whereas you could just walk over and introduce yourself as the spouse) or make your spouse feel like they did something wrong (or if it causes harm to yourself by becoming an obsession)
*it is healthy if that jealous feeling helps you to remember why you yourself find your spouse desirable/attractive and you take it as a compliment.
No emotion is wrong. It is only our reaction to that emotion that can get us in trouble.
In response to your last question, I think whatever is best for the two individuals in the marriage is what is right and/or healthy.
If my husband had a problem with me having male friends and had the courage, trust, and vulnerability to talk to me about his concerns I would give up my friends in order to please my spouse. But in return, I know that he would not ask such a thing if those friendships were very important to me.
I think that most situations can have a happy medium if each party is genuinely concerned about the other.
Maybe I could only see my male friends in a group situation, in public, or with my husband present?
These have been the hypothetical musings of a very tired brain… hope they help!