I’m also seeking a Jesuit vocation. As a Jesuit you will go through years of extreme intellectual and spiritual training. If you don’t have a college degree yet it is highly recommended though not necessary.
Jesuits normally work other jobs aside from priestly duties. For example there are Jesuit doctors, lawyers, scientists, journalists, authors, theologians, professors, historians, archaeologists, mathematicians, actors, you name it.
Jesuits are highly educated. Almost every novice that I have read about tend to have bachelors degrees from English Literature-Physics. You will most likely learn Spanish as well.
Jesuits also follow Ignatius spirituality so I would recommend the book “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything” by Fr. James Martin ,SJ and “How to Listen When God is Speaking” by Fr. Mitch Pacwa ,SJ,PhD,S.T.B.
Hope your discernment goes well brother.