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Hello, mark a,

According to a source I checked, it can mean the
ability to employ subtle argument.


the theology or the practices of the Jesuits

I’d hit up, and read up on the Jesuits, they are very interesting (all the Jesuits I know are brilliant, awesome people)

why, thank you. 🙂

i’m a jesuit brother - which means (among other things) that i’m in formation - i enter the novitiate in august, to live for two years as a jesuit, to see if that’s God’s calling for me.

jesuitical, by the way, means subtly duplicitous - cunning or sly. we’re accused of being tricky guys sometimes - due to that bit about being ‘brilliant’ and ‘awesome’. 😉

anyway, if you are asking what the jesuits ARE, then we are a group of religious (some priests, some brothers who aren’t priests, some in formation - scholastics and novices, etc) who take vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience. we do alot in the field of education - we have high schools and colleges - and we also do a good bit of missionary work. but you find us in many, many areas of professional endeavor. there have been jesuit senators, movie producers, lawyers, doctors, writers - you name it, a jesuit has probably done it.

so - that’s us. feel free to ask any questions. if i don’t know, i’ll find out for you.
Hello, Brother,

I sure wasn’t going to bring up “jesuitical”…so settled
for the more benign use of the term!
You walk in the footsteps of giants…Isaac Jogues,
de Brebeuf.
Did you know that the activities of Jogues and
de Brebeuf are online at:

A friend of mine who is a good Catholic is now very confused because a Jesuit priest told him that Mary has to have had relations with Joseph. His reasoning is that according to the Catholic Church, in order for a marriage to be valid it must be consummated. As an RCIA leader I have many times had to prove to those undergoing catechesis that what Jesuits had told them was not what Holy Mother Church teaches. I don’t have much respect for the order in general and am very wary when told that information came fron that source.
A friend of mine who is a good Catholic is now very confused because a Jesuit priest told him that Mary has to have had relations with Joseph. His reasoning is that according to the Catholic Church, in order for a marriage to be valid it must be consummated. As an RCIA leader I have many times had to prove to those undergoing catechesis that what Jesuits had told them was not what Holy Mother Church teaches. I don’t have much respect for the order in general and am very wary when told that information came fron that source.
Mary’s perpetual virginity is a defined belief. What this Jesuit did not understand is that the validity of a marriage today is often a matter of canon law and not defined dogma. In Mary’s day canon law did not even exist. .
A friend of mine who is a good Catholic is now very confused because a Jesuit priest told him that Mary has to have had relations with Joseph. His reasoning is that according to the Catholic Church, in order for a marriage to be valid it must be consummated. As an RCIA leader I have many times had to prove to those undergoing catechesis that what Jesuits had told them was not what Holy Mother Church teaches. I don’t have much respect for the order in general and am very wary when told that information came fron that source.
That’s a totally unfair criticism. All religious orders have or had nut cases and dissenters in their ranks, especially in recent history. Should we reject the Dominican Order because of Fox? For Pete’s sake, should we reject Catholicism because of all the dissenters and nuts running around calling themselves Catholic?? Don’t be silly.

I have known and have been educated by many extremely intelligent and faithful Jesuits. This is not to say that there hasn’t been Jesuits that I disagree with academically, or that there hasn’t been dissenters in the order. The latter has more to do with problems across the whole Church, not just any one religious order.

Most prejudice against the Jesuit order has more to do with bigoted stupidity from anti-Catholics who insist that the Jesuits are some kind of secret agency of the New World Order. These anti-Catholics go well beyond mere ignorance.
I thought that it was the teaching ability, in union with the Church, that makes colleges like Loyola NO so great!

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 😉
Certainly not all Jesuits are misguided, but as a student who attended a Jesuit high school and university, trust me that many in the order teach doctrine that is incompatible with the Catholic faith. Additionally, the Jesuits I know are horrible when it comes to the liturgy, and liturgical abuse is definitely not uncommon. I think the order is clearly in need of our prayers.

. . . . .the Jesuits are some kind of secret agency of the New World Order. . . . . . .
This is along the line of my question. Seems like, even here, there is a certain attitude about Jesuits. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe like a secret or underground society, or secret agents or double naught spies.

Or are the Jack Chick quotes I read about here sticking in my head?
mark a:
This is along the line of my question. Seems like, even here, there is a certain attitude about Jesuits. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe like a secret or underground society, or secret agents or double naught spies.

Or are the Jack Chick quotes I read about here sticking in my head?
It’s the power of suggestion.


I’ve known more diocesan priests than Jesuits who are liturgical nihilists… does this mean that we should be suspicious of all diocesan priests?

I’ve known more Holy Cross Fathers who were dissenting fools… does this mean we should call for Notre Dame to be closed? (… well, some of you don’t answer that!)

I’ve heard more stupid theology from lay men and women than I’ve heard from Jesuits… does this mean we shouldn’t listen to any lay people?

I don’t think it’s the Jesuits that need our prayers exclusively, as though this particular order is to some degree worse than other corners of the Church. Everyone in the Church, especially the Church in the US, needs our prayers.
First off I would like to say that Father John Hardon, SJ is one of my heroes. His catechism has helped me to learn so much more about my faith.

As a convert, I suffered from what I call the Barney Catechism – “I love you. You love me. We’re a happy family.”

The catechism I was given was partially developed by a profession of theology at Xavier University. Invincible ingorance is my great claim to what I used to consider to be Catholicism.

These days, the Fr. Kenneth Overberg, whose picture never shows him with a cleric’s collar, gets plenty of copy inches. When the Passion came out. He and all the profs wrote about what I like to call Catholic Lite – less Gospel, less guilt, feels great.

This parody from thelogy online, kind of sums it up.
I do appreciate all the faithful Jesuits. I do work to get over my resentment of poor catechism I recieved. It is hard to though – it has been twenty years that I could have done so much more for my Lord. But, I at least did as well as I could have back when.

**To all the Jesusits, please just be loyal to our Holy Father and be the spiritual fathers we so desperately need. **
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