This is probably a beaten subject, but yesterday afternoon, hopping from one radio station to another, I stopped a while at a Protestant Q&A show by a guy named Hank. One of the callers asked this question and the host’s answer was that the Greek word used for “brothers” was specific to brothers by blood, proving yet again that Catholic Tradition was against the Scriptures.
Now, I have to wonder how Greek could have a word for brothers by blood and, by inference, another for brothers but not by blood and yet didn’t have a word for cousins. Then again, aren’t cousins related by blood too?
Any help from those who know Greek would be appreciated.
Now, I have to wonder how Greek could have a word for brothers by blood and, by inference, another for brothers but not by blood and yet didn’t have a word for cousins. Then again, aren’t cousins related by blood too?
Any help from those who know Greek would be appreciated.