I know a Protestant friend that believes that Jesus is the physical manafestation of God. He states that Jesus is the Burning Bush from the OT and walked around the Garden of Eden and wrestled Jacob?
What does the church teach about this?
I know of no Church teaching that invalidates this perspective.
Some thoughts:
Does God the Father have a body?
Were Adam & Eve and Moses given the Word of God?
It would appear that one could meditate a long time on these two verses:
Gen 2:7 : then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.
John 20:22 : When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.
In regard to Jacob wrestling with an angel, scripture is not specific in identifying Jacob’s opponent:
Gen 32:24 Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. 25When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket; and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the day is breaking.’ But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you go, unless you bless me.’ 27So he said to him, ‘What is your name?’ And he said, ‘Jacob.’ 28Then the man said, ‘You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed.’ 29Then Jacob asked him, ‘Please tell me your name.’ But he said, ‘Why is it that you ask my name?’ And there he blessed him. 30So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, ‘For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved.’ 31The sun rose upon him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip. 32Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the thigh muscle that is on the hip socket, because he struck Jacob on the hip socket at the thigh muscle.
I had always been taught that the “man” was an angel, and perhaps it was. It remains a bit of a curiosity, tho. Jacob was renamed Israel by someone who had authority and wished to test him…not defeat him.
Peace in Christ…Salmon