Jesus Christ in Judaism

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Who was Jesus Christ considered to be in Judaism? I know that to the Muslims, he was a great prophet, but not the Son of God. Is it the same with the Jews?
There are probably different opinions, but I think in general, they think Jesus was just a failed messianic pretender.
My husband had a jewish friend who told him, jokingly, that "Jesus was a nice Jewish boy that got a little confused. " My hubby also has a Hasidic cousin(extremly orthodox Jew) who seemed to have some belief in Jesus as a prophet, but that he wasn’t the messiah. I don’t know if all Hasidim believe this way though.
:confused: Ok…I’ve always thought that the Jews have looked at Jesus Christ as a failed messenger?
There are two different types of Jews: contemporary and orthodox. Contemporary Jews usually believe that Jesus was a misguided good Jewish boy, but they are interested in taking some of his teachings to heart. Orthodox Jews usually disregard Jesus as being a false-prophet and false-messiah. Basically our equivelant of a Heretic.
Hi all!

Deb1, you posted:
My hubby also has a Hasidic cousin (extremly orthodox Jew) who seemed to have some belief in Jesus as a prophet, but that he wasn’t the messiah. I don’t know if all Hasidim believe this way though.
If your husband cousin in fact has, “some belief in Jesus as a prophet,” his views are his own & are in no way representative of either Hasidic ( Jews in particular or orthodox Jews in general.

Psalm45.9, you posted:
There are two different types of Jews: contemporary and orthodox. Contemporary Jews usually believe that Jesus was a misguided good Jewish boy, but they are interested in taking some of his teachings to heart. Orthodox Jews usually disregard Jesus as being a false-prophet and false-messiah. Basically our equivelant of a Heretic.
I don’t think that Jews can be classified as “Contemporary”. Also, Jewish orthodoxy is a far broader spectrum than most non-Jews (and even many non-orthodox Jews) seem to realize; see

I don’t know that the two views that you have described necessarily contradict each other.

Be well!

ssv 👋
i thought that (at least some) jews do think of Jesus as having been a prophet, but not the Messiah.
Hi all!

If your husband cousin in fact has, “some belief in Jesus as a prophet,” his views are his own & are in no way representative of either Hasidic ( Jews in particular or orthodox Jews in general.

I got this information second hand from my husband, so it is possible that this was just his cousin’s personal belief. I have never met his cousin, myself, but my husband is very fond of this particular relative. His cousin studied at a Yehiva(is that the word?) in Israel and is very orthodox.
Hi Deb1!

The word is yeshiva. A yeshiva is a school in which Jews study our sacred texts in detail. They usually offer a wide variety of programs (not all of which lead to rabbinical ordination) & may embody various approaches and outlooks. Some may even be combined with primary/middle/high schools.

Please let me add that while we may certainly learn from Jesus (Our 2nd-century CE sage, Ben Zoma, says: “Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.”), we do not see him, in any way, as being either a prophet or the Messiah (or a “person” in a triune God). Personally, I’ve always liked his remark about the lillies of the field; there’s a lot in that.

Be well!

ssv 👋
On tv I saw once something like Jews beleived Jesus knew the secret name of God, and could perform miracles like floating in the air, because of that.
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