Jesus is sitting on your couch right now

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How would your life change if you came in and found Jesus sitting on the couch in your living room?

Thought we all could use a good thought-provoking meditiation. :hmmm: Share your insights with us all in this thread. Enjoy. šŸ™‚
At first I would stop, catch my breath, and then fall on my knees before Himā€¦. ā€œMy Lord and My Godā€. I would probe His wounds and I would look into His so gentle and loving eyes and I would begin to cryā€¦ wondering why does my Lord come to visit such an unworthy person as me? I would just kneel there in awe. Then I would truly be able to say,ā€ Lord I am not worthy that you should come unto my roof, say but the Word and my soul shall be healed.ā€

Wow, good thing my friend just gave me a free couch or I wouldnā€™t be able to answer this!!!

Well, as opposed to falling down at his feet, I am too clueless to catch on at first. He could probably have a whole group of angels around Him and say ā€œMichael, it is Me Jesus and I am here to see you!ā€ and I would just be likeā€¦ummā€¦okay sir, can I get you something to eat?
So, Iā€™d fire up my Weber charcoal grill and invite some of my friends to eat with us. Iā€™d ask him to stay after dinner and share some conversations with us as I served him up one of my newest homebrews (if it was ready to drink). I imagine I would tell Him how it is better to cook on charcoal vs. gas and how micro-brew is made with a lot more love than the usual mass produced junk. After everyone left, it might start to sink in that He really was Jesusā€¦then, as usual, Iā€™d feel kinda stupid and say ā€œJesus, I am sorry I didnā€™t recognize you, please forgive me for acting as I didā€¦ā€ I imagine after that Iā€™d have to have a really long talk with Him about myself, those I love, and what I am struggling withā€¦perhaps I could get a really good answer on how I could serve Him better with my life. And I would also ask to make sure that He enjoyed the homebrew and porterhouse steak that I cooked for Himā€¦
It takes a lot to make me speechless but I think this situation would certainly do it for me! Then I would be on my knees, probably crying. I would want to hug Jesus but would refrain until I knew if it was OK (if it was, which I hope it will be!!) I think my heart would be beating so fast I would feel sick. And then I would feel shame for all my sins.
Maybe I would ask Him to hear my confession then and there!

Then Iā€™d ask if I could get him anything and Iā€™d probably be fussing around the living room tidying.

When some of the nerves wore off I would love to sit with Him and ask Him how my parents are.

And I would tell Him that I love Him. :love:
I would say, ā€œThatā€™s a crummy old couch, Lord. In the whole world there are many couches better than this one. Thank-you for choosing it.ā€

ā€œI know you are here for a reason, so how about a cold brewski before we discuss the state of my soul?ā€
I would be rather skeptical at first. I mean, who am I that Our Lord should visit? I would greet Him as ā€œmy Love.ā€ I would then kiss His feet countless times, gaze upon Him, and tell Him how much I love Him. I would then ask Him to accuse me of all my sins I havenā€™t confessed. I would ask Him to show me my soul from His point of view, and I would ask for advice on how I can be more like Him. I would beg Him to bring me to heaven soon. I would pray for my family, friends, and the world. I would then ask Him to say Mass for me. There cannot be anything like recieving Our Lordā€™s Body from Our Lord! Never daring to sit on the same level as Him, I would sit on the floor, always kissing His feet and lovingily adoring Him. While we all want to do our best to please this Guest, it would probably be better to ask Him what He wants to do. You know, the whole ā€œThy Will be doneā€ thing?

Very thought-provoking. I enjoy these kinds of threads.

Upon the realization that He was really Jesus, I would probably bow all the way to the ground like a Muslim and kiss His feet. I would be speechless. By the time I manage to look at Him, my historian attitude would probably kick in and make me mentally compare Him to how Heā€™s usually portrayed in art (does He really have long hair and a beard? Blue or brown eyes? A red toga? Anything like Jim Cavieziel?)
How would your life change if you came in and found Jesus sitting on the couch in your living room?

Thought we all could use a good thought-provoking meditiation. :hmmm: Share your insights with us all in this thread. Enjoy. šŸ™‚
I would get dressed, instead of sitting in my PJs before coming down into the living room.
Upon seeing a physical Jesus sitting on my couch, I would be surprised. How I would react would depend on how He looked, His dress, demeanor, emotional display, and facial expression.

So I will answer in many parts (in multiple posts over time), based on my evaluation of Jesus.

Response #1: If He appeared as if He was relaxing, I would sit next to Him, greet him, and offer to add to His relaxation. Meal, snacks, and drinks would be offered. I would ask Him what he would like to do (such as play a game, watch EWTN on TV, etc.) and probably participate in it with him.
I wrote a poem on this subject once upon a time. I called it ā€œJava Jehovah,ā€ if I remember correctlyā€¦ I canā€™t seem to find it right now, but the point was that when God showed up at my door, I invited him in for a cup of coffee. I was dismayed to discover that he wanted milk (yuck!) in his coffee (Iā€™m an espresso-only kind of gal).

I only remember one line:

ā€œCohabitation means compromisesā€

and I went out and bought milk.

Response #2: If He appeared as if He was suffering, I would tend His needs and comfort Him. Jesus suffers a lot under the sins of this time. I often meditate on the Suffering Heart of Jesus and find myself consoling Him in His anguish. His Heart is covered with oozing sores and wounds (the many sins of the day). I love Him deeply and it greatly pains me to see Him suffer. I suffer with Him.
How would your life change if you came in and found Jesus sitting on the couch in your living room?
I would ask him where my car keys were.

Then I would ask him to leave because nobody walks into my house uninvited.

Then, after he left, I would invite him in, and maybe we would play Scrabble or talk about the ACLU.
After the shock ended, Iā€™d offer Him something to drink, and then turn on the Cubs game. Iā€™d ask Him some theological questions, ask Him how Iā€™m doing spirituality, and about what Heā€™s doing in town. Iā€™d also ask Him if Heā€™s moving in, or if He needs to crash on the couch for a while.

(We all know God is a Cubs fan, so this is merely a courtesy on my part.God just doesnā€™t feel right playing favorites, hence the near-100 year World Championship drought.)

((Obviously, this isnā€™t an ideal meeting for me and God. Hopefully Heā€™d come to me in a chapel somewhere. A living room would make it all seem kinda strange.))
Response #3: If He appeared in His radiant glory as in the transfiguration, I would probably sit back in awe and just look at Him adoringly, until He brought me back down so that I could speak to Him. Then I would ask, ā€œLord, what can I do for you?ā€ and go from there.
I would give him a big long hug. Then Iā€™d ask him ā€œIf Iā€™m not being too presumptious, my God, could I see your wounds?ā€

After he showed them, Iā€™d look into his eyes and tell him Iā€™m so sorry and fall to the floor at his feet and sob.

I would thank him for coming to visit me. I would tell him that I was completely his and ask him if there was anything he would like me to do, and pray that my words werenā€™t empty if he asked me to do something difficult.

I would invite the rest of my family and friends and neighbors over and tell them, ā€œGuess whoā€™s here?ā€ But first I think I would want to spend some time alone with him.

I would be nervous and afraid of saying or doing something that disappointed him. He would probably realize it and tell me not to be afraid. He would put me at ease.

I would tell him to have mercy on me and if he wills it, to heal me from all attraction to sin. After awhile Iā€™d be sharing everyday things with him and in the back of my mind be dumbfounded as to how I could speak so easily with the Son of God (the Son of God! In my living room!).

I would ask him how it is possible for me to be homesick for a heavenly home I have not yet been to. ā€œHow much longer until I can spend eternity with you?ā€

I would tell him, ā€œJesus, thank you so much for sharing your Mother with us. She has been a big help in my life. I love her so much. Will you give her a big hug for me?ā€ He would say ā€œOf course, and you can give her a hug yourself soonā€.

After a long while Iā€™d ask ā€œWould the Son of Man like to rest his head on my couch?ā€ If it didnā€™t disturb him, Iā€™d probably stare at him as he slept and think to myself "He doesnā€™t look a whole lot like I imagined. If I saw him on the street, thereā€™s nothing particularly unique about him that would make me know that he was Jesus.

He just looks like an ordinary man, yet when I talk with him, itā€™s clear heā€™s definitely no ordinary man. Just talking with him somehow makes me more free, and, itā€™s difficult to explain, but more real. I become less deluded about myself. I see things as they really are."

I would fix a room for him and ask him if he could stay, and if he couldnā€™t, if I could go with him.
First,throw cold water in my face to revive me from the floor. šŸ˜›
Then I would beg Him to forgive me my years of being an atheist, and thank Him a gazillion or so times for bringing me home with the help of His most Holy Mother. šŸ‘ After that, I think I would be like Mary and just listen at His feet to the wonderous things He has to say.

But He REALLY IS on my couch, He is everywhere I need Him to be, ALWAYS. šŸ‘
Response #4: If He was angry, I would ask Him what the matter was. If the problem was something I had done, I would deeply apologize and try to learn why it was so wrong (if I did not know it already). If it was something else, I would try to console Him and listen to what was angering Him and see what I could do to help.
If Jesus was here right now, I think (actually, I know) Iā€™d drop to my knees and beg for baptism. šŸ˜ƒ
Iā€™d spend time with him, I would be in adoration and in awe, I wouldnā€™t know to bow, stand, pray. Then after I have done all, i would ask him if i could meet MOM. šŸ˜ƒ
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