Jesus not a centrist

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I need a little help. I’m in the middle of an email exchange with a good, if misguided friend who has no faith in Jesus or the Church. Currently we are going back and forth over whether Jesus would be a centrist. My knee jerk reaction was to tell him that Jesus was by no means a centrist. I’ve come up with a couple of examples from the New Testament but would welcome more ammo.

I need a little help. I’m in the middle of an email exchange with a good, if misguided friend who has no faith in Jesus or the Church. Currently we are going back and forth over whether Jesus would be a centrist. My knee jerk reaction was to tell him that Jesus was by no means a centrist. I’ve come up with a couple of examples from the New Testament but would welcome more ammo.

I don’t think it’s possible - or even desirable - to describe Jesus in political terms.

Such a discussion runs the real risk of distracted you from his message.
I agree that it would be a mistake to try to put Jesus in a political pigeon hole. If you describe Him as any kind of “-ist”, I think you’re missing the boat. He is so much more than some little philosophy. Following Him is not a matter of following some set of precepts by rote. It requires keeping your eyes and ears open, your heart handed over, and your shoes on. The rules are there only(!) because discernment can be a tall order for creatures as blind as we.
I agree that it would be a mistake to try to put Jesus in a political pigeon hole. If you describe Him as any kind of “-ist”.
Unless perhaps if you called Him an “Incarnationalist”. 😃

How about the verse in Revelation where God says “I wish you were either hot or cold. Because you are lukewarm I spit you of my mouth.”

Sounds like God likes extremes to me! Self-described centrists are lukewarm about everything.
Our focus in Christianity should be CHRIST. No question. But politics are based on morals, and for us morality is based in our religious understandings, which are centered on Christ and His Church. If someone says would Christ favor legalizing no-fault divorce. It would be inaccurate, I think, to say that Christ was a centrist and he really just wanted people to get along–so maybe he would,maybe he wouldn’t–let’s decide without looking at His teachings. Clearly Christ would be opposed to no-fault divorce. He actually has an opinion beyond…“can’t we alll just get along.”
Personally, I think He would be a Socialist.
Please don’t take this the wrong way…but that is potentially the most ignorant thing I have ever read in my entire life. Socialism emphasises material goods and physical things. It is materialistic and usually slides comfortably into atheism (if that isn’t its starting place). It is all about government control and government explotation of people. How could Christ, who spoke of nothing else but His Father and His Father’s Kingdom…promote a socialist government where at best your creature comforts would be tended for you by the state in exchange for a share of your freedom and at worst you’d end up being killed by the state. Over 200 million people in the 20th century were executed by socialist governments. The Church has suffered enormous persecution in Mexico, Spain, Germany, Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa this century under socialist governments.

No–I don’t think Christ would be as easily bought off as many of us this century. He would not approve of or facilitate any socialist governments. More than likly he would remind people of the dangers of materialism and sexual immorality, and instruct us of our need to repent and try to sin no more.
Tom of Assisi:
Please don’t take this the wrong way…but that is potentially the most ignorant thing I have ever read in my entire life. Socialism emphasises material goods and physical things. It is materialistic and usually slides comfortably into atheism (if that isn’t its starting place)…
Firstly, I don’t think it is useful to try to politically pigeon hole Christ.

Secondly, the above, to use the posters phrase, is, if not the most, is certainly very ignorant. Materialism, which he claims is a socialist problem !!!:confused::nope: is a major cause of the collapse of religion, spirituality, call it what you will today. It is however a right wing problem. Thatcherism (right wing me, me, me, me - there is no such thing as society) has wrecked the UK morallly. We may be doing ‘well’ econonomically but spiritually were in trouble.

CS Lewis talked of errors being sent in pairs. Out and out Capitalism with no regard for society and collective social responsibility. Godless communism. Both a nightmare.
Hmm. Since I don’t think of myself as a particularly ignorant person, I feel obliged to respond. I guess I’ll charitably assume that Tom of Assisi and I have different ideas of what socialism is. To me, it implies taking care of the poorest of society (feeding the poor!) – I was thinking of liberation theology, and JPII’s preferential option for the poor when I called Jesus a socialist.
Tom of Assisi is making a common mistake, that of confusing socialism with totaliarianism.

Socialism is an economic system only. Capitolism is an economic system only.

They are completely seperate.

Totalitarianism is a poltical system only. Democracy is a political system only.

There have been and are socialist countries with democratic governments, such as Sweden for example, as well there are and have been totalitarian governments with socialist economic systems, such as China and Cuba.

There are also totalitarian governments, with capitolist ecomomic systems, most of South America fits this description. There are also capitolistic nations with democratic goverments such as our own United States.

Have you read the encyclical “Rerum Novarum”, by Leo Xlll? In addition to describing the dangers of capitalism, it also has a few choice warnings against socialism: “To cure this evil (exploitation of workers by employers), the Socialists, exciting the envy of the poor toward the rich, contend that it is necessary to do away with private possession of goods and in its place make the goods of individuals common to all, and that the men who preside over a municipality or who direct the entire State should act as administrators of these goods. They hold that, by such a transfer of private goods from private individuals to the community, they can cure the present evil through dividing wealth and benefits equally among the citizens.”
“But their program is so unsuited for terminating the conflict that it actually injures the workers themselves. Moreover, it is highly unjust because it violates the rights of lawful owners, perverts the functions of the State, and throws governments into utter confusion”.

“Therefore, inasmuch as the Socialists seek to transfer the goods of private persons to the community at large, they make the lot of all wage earners worse, because in abolishing the freedom to dispose of wages they take away from them by this very act the hope and the opportunity of increasing their property and of securing advantages for themselves.”

“There is no reason to interpose provision by the State, for man is older than the State. Wherefore he had to possess by nature his own right to protect his life and body before any polity had been formed.”

“To desire, therefore, that the civil power should enter arbitrarily into the privacy of homes is a great and pernicious error. If a family perchance is in such extreme difficulty and is so completely without plans that it is entirely unable to help itself, it is right that the distress be remedied by public aid, for each individual family is a part of the community. Similarly, if anywhere there is a grave violation of mutual rights within the family walls, public authority shall restore to each his right: for this is not usurping the rights of citizens, but protecting and confirming them with just and due care. Those in charge of public affairs, however, must stop here: nature does not permit them to go beyond these limits. Paternal authority is such that it can be neither abolished or absorbed by the Sate, because it has the same origin in common with that of man’s own life.”
“Inasmuch as the Socialists, therefore, disregard care by parents and in its place introduce care by the State, they act against natural justice and dissolve the structure of the home.”

Prophetic words.

Liberation theology is a curious theology to advance in support of calling Jesus a socialist (and yes, I agree with others who find this statement very ignorant), seeing as how JPll has suppressed it.

That Catholicism promotes a “preferential option for the poor”, as you call it, is very true. However, methods used to alleviate poverty should be judged by their results, and socialism has, unfortunately, done the damage that Leo Xlll predicted it would. Distributism, the economic system advanced by Chesterton, Belloc, etc. (and nicely illustrated by Tolkien in the Shire) would be more in line with Catholic social teaching.

However, I think that assigning Jesus a particular place on the political scale is undesirable and ultimately impossible.
First off, the quote from Revelation is totally inappropriate in this conversation. We’re not talking about the ferocity of one’s faith, we’re talking about whether Jesus Himself would be at one extreme or another.

Your friend, if taking the position that Jesus was a centrist, would probably be close to the truth. Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus going against established social norms and traditions in order to reach out to people in need. The healing of people on the Sabbath was unheard of, yet He did it. Lepers were “untouchable”, yet Jesus touched them. Samaritans were despised by the Jews. Yet Jesus uses the Samaritan woman as an example of a good neighbor.

In another passage, Jesus goes into the temple to find money changers there. This was completely acceptable in its day. It was the norm of the Jewish faith. Yet Jesus was both insulted and angry about it…in fact, I think it’s the only point where we see Jesus lose his temper. He wasn’t happy that anyone would take liberties in His Father’s home. In modern day legalese, it would be somewhere between disturbing the peace and assault & battery.

He admonished people against wearing their religion on their sleeves and told us to humble ourselves. That’s hardly an extremist position. He admonished Sadducees and Pharisees, to the point that pharisee is now a perjorative term.

Jesus hung out with laborers, fishermen, tax collectors and others. He had broad appeal, even to lawyers and doctors of the era. Most of all, when He died…He died in the middle. He was neither an elitist, intellectual, politician or police officer. He came as one of us and stayed with us through death. He didn’t like rigidity in the pharisees, so why would He like it in politics? But He also wasn’t ignorant of the need to reach everyone, not preaching the need to ONLY care for the poor and huddled masses. He was probably the best example of a moderate as you’re going to find in the Bible.
Sherlock, not only have I read Rerum novarum, but I have actually lectured on it. Here’s what Georges Bernanos had to say about it in his Diary of a Country Priest:

"For instance, that famous encyclical of Leo XIII, ‘Rerum Novarum,’ you can read that without turning a hair, like any instruction for keeping Lent. But when it was published, sonny, it was like an earthquake. The enthusiasm! At that time I was cure de Norenfontes, in the heart of the mining district. The simple notion that a man’s work is not a commodity, subject to the law of supply and demand, that you have no right to speculate on wages, on the lives of men, as you do on grain, sugar or coffee–why it set people’s consciences upside down! I was called a ‘socialist’ for having explained it in the pulpit to my mining fellows, and the pious peasants had me sent off to Montreuil in disgrace.”

I find it very odd when people use J.R.R. Tolkien as a kind of proof text on Catholic matters, or on any matters whatsoever. Yes, the Professor was a Catholic. But remember, he was also a medievalist, and not an especially wise commentator on contemporary issues – I trust him more on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight than I do on socialism. Don’t get me wrong – I yield to NOONE on my love for LotR! (how many of the poems have YOU set to music?), but I don’t take it as gospel. Tolkien actually warned us of that in his introduction.

Rerum novarum was revolutionary, as Bernanos suggests. But in my opinion, Leo XIII’s overall record was not stellar (just look at his attempt to suppress the “Americanist heresy” in Longinqua oceani). When I lectured on Leo XIII, I called my lecture “Of New Things and Old,” and concluded that while he was tremendously progressive in some social issues, he was misguided in others.

I prefer St. Benedict on private property to Leo XIII.

Socialism is an economic system only. Capitolism [sic] is an economic system only.
No, you are making the mistake. Socialism isn’t an “economic system”. That’s absurd.

Socialism is a political system, in that it is a system of organizing rules or laws by which a significant portion of an individual’s earnings and/or assets are contributed to a common authority for redistribution to other members of that political community. The community can be as small as a farm (“commune” or “kibbutz”) or as large as China. The bottom line, it is not centrally concerned with issues like a market price, supply, or demand, it is concerned with a political community’s organizing principles.

The bottom line with every form of socialism is redistribution. Taking private property away from some people and giving it to other people to achieve certain goals. Those goals can be as worthy as preventing starvation or as absurd as many of the “social engineering” experiments we hear of from Washington. The bottom line is politicians and bureaucrats are deciding which groups are the favored groups receiving largesse, and which groups are not.
There are also totalitarian governments, with capitolist [sic] ecomomic systems, most of South America fits this description. There are also capitolistic [sic] nations with democratic goverments such as our own United States.
A more useful term than “capitalism” is the term “free markets”. If an individual has the freedom to choose their profession, where to work, how hard to work, and what price they are willing to work for, then they are participating in their half of a free market in labor. Similarly, an individual has the freedom to decide if they want to hire somebody to perform certain kinds of work, what they are willing to pay, and what kind of results they want from their payment. They are participating in the other half of a free market in labor. Other forms of freedom include deciding whether I want to spend my money, save it, or give it to charity or other causes.

Add in legal protections for property rights, and you have the most effective means of improving the standard of living for an entire population that has ever been devised. This fact isn’t even disputable.

Your South American totalitarian government example doesn’t fit countries with free markets. In fact, just the opposite. The people in power are making the decisions, individuals do not have the freedom. They actually suffer from the exact same problems that socialist governments do: politicians and bureaucrats deciding which groups are the favored ones.

Free markets are completely consistent with Catholic teaching. First, you need to understand the principle of “subsidiarity”. It basically means a problem should be addressed at the lowest possible level. For example, if we have an effective local school board, why do we need the Federal government deciding curriculum?

From the Catechism:
1883 Socialization also presents dangers. Excessive intervention by the state can threaten personal freedom and initiative. The teaching of the Church has elaborated the principle of subsidiarity, according to which “a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of need and help to co- ordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society, always with a view to the common good.”
And anyone trying to advance the case that the Church supports socialism needs to chew on this paragraph for a while:
1885 The principle of subsidiarity is opposed to all forms of collectivism. It sets limits for state intervention. It aims at harmonizing the relationships between individuals and societies. It tends toward the establishment of true international order.
I know Mother Teresa wasn’t a socialist, because I’ve watched that BBC documentary with her where she criticized government programs for the poor. First, she said that a government-run program stopped being about the poor and started becoming about the program. She was talking about the tendency for governement programs to become more concerned about the job security, pay status, and other benefits of the government worker than about benefitting the poor. She also criticized that it turned the poor into a statistic, a number, a trend. She treated each human with the same love and dignity she would treat Christ.

The other problem with government-run programs is that it turns the poor into someone else’s responsibility. It is easy to decide, “I’ve paid enough taxes, that is there problem.” I’ve known enough people from the generation that was born between 1890 and 1920 to know that our society was far different then. All decent people felt the duty to share with the poor in very direct ways. That was the era when a hobo would get a dinner from the farmwife, or a parish ran their own soup kitchen. I remember that generation telling me how they believed you had to “give until it hurt” because the need was right in their face. Now we have a society where entire generations are raised in the suburbs and have literally never even met someone who is genuinely poor.
I need a little help. I’m in the middle of an email exchange with a good, if misguided friend who has no faith in Jesus or the Church. Currently we are going back and forth over whether Jesus would be a centrist. My knee jerk reaction was to tell him that Jesus was by no means a centrist. I’ve come up with a couple of examples from the New Testament but would welcome more ammo.

Well, you need to define your terms first. What does **centrism **mean to you?

Personally, I doubt that political labels would apply to our lord Jesus and I don’t recommend trying to apply them since it would detract and muddle His true message.

Gerry 🙂

You wrote: “Sherlock, not only have I read Rerum novarum, but I have actually lectured on it”

Then you have less of an excuse than others for making the ridiculous statement that Jesus would be a Socialist. Or did you just skim over the quotes regarding socialism that I used in my earlier post?

Your quote from Georges Bernanos, though perhaps interesting, sheds no light other than to reveal a hostility to socialism in the mining district where he was cure’. It also reveals an arrogant, condescending attitude towards “pious peasants”, which I find highly distasteful in a priest.

You wrote: “I find it very odd when people use J.R.R. Tolkien as a kind of proof text on Catholic matters, or on any matters whatsoever.”

“Proof text”? I used Tolkien’s Shire as an illustration of Distributism, which is in conformity with Catholic social teaching and the Catholic concept of subsidiarity. Get that? “Illustration”? I did not use Tolkien as a “proof text”. Szheesh…

You wrote: “Don’t get me wrong – I yield to NOONE on my love for LotR! (how many of the poems have YOU set to music?), but I don’t take it as gospel.”

You are making far more of my use of Tolkien’s Shire than is warranted by my post. And that you set his poems to music doesn’t tell me anything: it doesn’t tell me that you know a great deal about Tolkien; it doesn’t tell me that you are a good songwriter; and it has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand. “Gospel”? How do you get THAT from my use of his Shire as an illustration of Distributism?

You wrote: " When I lectured on Leo XIII, I called my lecture “Of New Things and Old,” and concluded that while he was tremendously progressive in some social issues, he was misguided in others."

That you present your opinions in lecture form does not tell me much of anything, except that you want it to be known that you do so (much as you wanted me to know that you set Tolkien’s poems to music. “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!”). Yes, based on your stated opinion that Jesus would be a Socialist, I can well imagine that, in your opinion, Leo Xlll just wasn’t “progressive” enough for your tastes…all those nasty things he said about socialism.


You’ve been very careful to “answer” all the points where I was tongue in cheek, but none where I was serious.

What about Leo XIII and the “Americanist heresy”? Would you really prefer to live in a society where Church and State were not separate?

And how about St. Benedict?
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