Jesus' presence in the Eucharist versus everywhere else

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So Jesus, God the Son, is present everywhere, and always has been as He is the second Person of the Holy Trinity. Then, God the Son became fully man but is still fully God…

Using this line of thinking, would it be at all accurate to say that Jesus is more present in the Eucharist (since His body is also physically present there)? Would it be at all fallacious to say that He is only “half present” everywhere else (only spiritually present)? It sure doesn’t sound/feel right.


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We experience his presence differently when in the the presence of the Eucharist or when we consume it.
Yes, this is true 🙂 Though what I meant was the difference between His presence in the Eucharist verses His presence where the Sacrament isn’t physically around (or physically inside you, for that matter).
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We can’t consume it outside the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is body, blood, soul and divinity. A tree isn’t. A person who has a Christ within them isn’t body, blood, soul and divinity. The wind isn’t.

I still would not less or more. I would say different.

It’s an interesting question.
would it be at all accurate to say that Jesus is more present in the Eucharist (since His body is also physically present there)?
He isn’t more present there, because God is everywhere at once. He can’t be more than what He already is–fully present.

But the Eucharist is special because Jesus is Also physically present with us in the form of Bread, so we can see and hold and taste Him.
Would it be at all fallacious to say that He is only “half present” everywhere else (only spiritually present)? It sure doesn’t sound/feel right.
No, He is not only “half present” outside the Eucharist. God is fully present everywhere, spiritually.

We are blessed to have Him with us physically in the Eucharist, but that doesn’t somehow “lessen” the Spirit’s presence everywhere else.
Neither. Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist where we can feel, touch, taste and Communion with Him.

Jesus is omnipresent but we cannot do the above with him except for perhaps spiritual communion.
I think the Eucharist has the power to focus our attention on His presence unlike “everywhere else”.
My grandfather was a Church of England vicar, of the Tractarian position.

He wrote: “We seek comfort in the sacrament of the altar because it is the only time in which our flesh mingles with the divine flesh, blood, soul and pure divinity of Christ who is our Saviour. We can feel his presence in our minds, in our bodies, through prayer, but only in the sacrament of the Cross: that wonderful body of Christ, can we consume Him and become one in Him and become slowly and faithfully like the Divine Himself. He is the only food we ever require, because man cannot live on bread alone: but on Christ alone, we’d all be amazed. He loves us, and so He gives Himself to us to love one another and to love Him who is our King and Master and desires nothing for than the sustenance and salvation of our souls. He bled and died for us, thus we eat and drink of the divine flesh, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. This is active proof of the love of God: He himself gives us Himself.”

On of his own homily-notes.
As you say, Jesus in his divine nature is present everywhere at all times as are God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Since the incarnation, Jesus also has a human nature composed of soul and body. Jesus in his human nature is not present everywhere but only where his body and soul are just as we are not present everywhere but at that location where our body and soul are presently. Since his resurrection when Jesus united his human soul back to his body and subsequently ascended into heaven, Jesus is wholly present in his human nature, body and soul, where ever his body and soul are at and they do not become separated as when Jesus died on the cross and his human soul as we profess in the Creed descended into hell to free the just there and take them to heaven. And at his resurrection, Jesus united the soul back to his body never again to die and to be separated from each other. The soul is the form of the body and it animates the body.

The great mystery of the eucharist is that Jesus is wholly present in his human nature, body and soul, under both the species of the bread and wine after the consecration at Mass and at the same time and without leaving heaven, Jesus is wholly present body and soul in heaven too. However, Jesus’ true bodily presence is present under the sacrament of the eucharist in a different way than Jesus’ bodily presence in heaven. Without getting into specifics presently, the whole and entire Christ, body, blood, soul, and divinity is truly present under the consecrated elements of the bread and wine invisibly while at the same time Jesus is present in heaven in his body visibly just as he was when he lived and walked on the earth and at his resurrection. The difference is that Jesus’ body and blood in the sacrament and by a completely divine and supernatural miracle are not extended in three dimensional space so we can’t see them or him although his body and blood are truly present, while in heaven Jesus’ body is naturally extended in three dimensional space just as it was when he walked on the earth and when he rose from the dead and just as our own bodies are now and which we can see. It should be noted that the person or soul in a glorified body such as when Jesus rose from the dead has a supernatural power (a gift called clarity) to make their body visible or invisible to human eyes such as when Jesus vanished from the sight of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus during the breaking of the bread. But, this kind of invisibility of the body which remains naturally extended though without color is not the same as the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist and the unextended and invisibility of his body and blood there.
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Jesus said, when two or three are gathered in my name, then I am with you.

The Eucharist is probably more for our benefit, because we have to get up and approach Christ in the bread and wine.
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