Jesus' saving role

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As catholics, we are concerned over living in a state of grace, and avoiding mortal sins at all cost. Wasn’t that the same situation that old testament people faced? I am having difficulty understanding how Jesus’ having died on the cross for our sins has impacted the situation we find ourselves in. Before Jesus, was nobody allowed into heaven?
Well, yes, in a manner of speaking the situation is the same. The reason it’s the same is that before Christ, those people had no hope of ever attaining Heaven without Christ’s sacrifice (to answer your last question, OT saints went to the abode of the dead, a waiting place, until Jesus’ final redemptive act*). Since Christ, we only know we have hope for Heaven because of Christ’s sacrifice.

No Christ crucified, no salvation. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking OT or NT. Catholicism is simply the natural outgrowth of Judaism now that the Messianic prophecies have been fulfilled. It didn’t change what sin is nor what its effect are.

*Except for the retroactive application of Jesus’ act in the case of Enoch and Elijah! 😃 (Had to say that for Matt 16 18’s benefit…)
REMEMBER YOUR SCRIPTURE…sin will not enter heaven… man was born with original sin on his soul, man being man could not live a life without committing sin… the 10 commandments if you could keep them all of them all your life… you made it to heaven…well…

everyone was in Limbo, (if you weren’t in Hell)… when Christ died the decended to the land of the Dead, not the Damned… opened the gates by his death and ressurection and that allowed all there to move on to heaven…

so bottom line… it’s the reconcilliation, the forgiveness, the divine mercy of Christ sacrifice on the cross that allows you to go to heaven… remember, it’s nothing you do… you can’t earn it, but you can merit it with you love of God and fellow man… Go to confession regularly… Remember the beginning line… sin will not enter heaven… the only sin your not forgiven are the sins you don’t ask Gods forgiveness for… and he established a church and a process for you to obtain that forgiveness…

Hopefully when your time comes, if you die with sins on your soul they will be venial (not death dealing)… a mortal sin kills all the scantifying grace in your soul, and it’s that grace that’s required to bring you to heaven… albeit a short clensing in Purgatory, but to heaven none the less… Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul… love your neighbor as your self…

go with God, go to confession… 👍
Before Jesus there was certainly a large number of people who didn’t go to hell but did not earn Heaven through their commitment to the law. These are the people Jesus witnessed to after his death.

Jesus’ sacrifice brought grace to humankind. Anyone who is in Heaven, whether they died before or after the ressurection has made it there by grace.

Yes we still must avoid sin. But rather than make a new sacrifice everytime, as was the old covenent case, every sin we have made and will make are now forgiven by that ultimate sacrifice.
space ghost:
REMEMBER YOUR SCRIPTURE…sin will not enter heaven… man was born with original sin on his soul, man being man could not live a life without committing sin… the 10 commandments if you could keep them all of them all your life… you made it to heaven…well…

everyone was in Limbo, (if you weren’t in Hell)… when Christ died the decended to the land of the Dead, not the Damned… opened the gates by his death and ressurection and that allowed all there to move on to heaven…

so bottom line… it’s the reconcilliation, the forgiveness, the divine mercy of Christ sacrifice on the cross that allows you to go to heaven… remember, it’s nothing you do… you can’t earn it, but you can merit it with you love of God and fellow man… Go to confession regularly… Remember the beginning line… sin will not enter heaven… the only sin your not forgiven are the sins you don’t ask Gods forgiveness for… and he established a church and a process for you to obtain that forgiveness…

Hopefully when your time comes, if you die with sins on your soul they will be venial (not death dealing)… a mortal sin kills all the scantifying grace in your soul, and it’s that grace that’s required to bring you to heaven… albeit a short clensing in Purgatory, but to heaven none the less… Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul… love your neighbor as your self…

go with God, go to confession… 👍
Extremely well said!
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