I think its also very important to recognize the ‘signs’ Jesus said he would send to warn us when the time is near, many people say these signs are too general and they have always been happening, and to some degree, they are right, but they dont realize, right now, there has never been a time when so many have happened or are happening at the same time…that is the key.
One of the things that has me convinced is not so long ago, I was reading online about many people, all over the world, have reported seeing white or gold crosses in the sky, was surprising how many have seen this, but these events are not widely reported, so most people dont even know its going on. I also noticed quite a few people see what appears to be a single flame (like from a candle) or fire that sort of resembles a camp fire in the sky,I have a feeling these things are part of the signs Jesus spoke about.
I think far too many try to deny these things or explain them away due to being scared, for many people, the second coming is going to be extremely frightening, they will suddenly recognize its all true and time has run out, and life as we know it, is going to change drastically.
Jesus knew if people knew that he knew the exact date and time when this would happen, they would bug him about constantly, better to just tell people he didnt know.