Jesus Was A Communist?

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''Jesus was a champion of the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized and the exploited. The sinners those with leprosy and other diseases, or those who were strongly physically handicapped. If he lived in modern times, he would have sympathized much more with the proletarians toiling for wages under capitalist society, rather than those at the top of the economic ladder benefiting from the expropriation of unpaid labor.

His more economic views would be considered particularly polarizing. In Matthew 19:16–30, a wealthy man comes up to Jesus and asks him what he must do to gain eternal life. Among the points that Jesus states is that “if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” His statement that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” is especially telling, since the idea that a rich person would have to give up his possessions to enter heaven does not fit with capitalist thinking at all. Jesus also tells his followers that that they should not “serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24)[[2]])or “store up treasures on Earth” (Matthew 6:19)[[3]] There’s also an instance, which is also one of his greatest miracles, in which Jesus uses five loaves and two fishes given to him by a boy in order to feed a multitude. He states that he has “compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way." Definitely something a working class hero would do.

Jesus was a true comrade. Upon learning all of this, I am actually quite surprised that so many Christians are anti-socialist.

And to finish this answer off, here’s a quote from Acts 2:44, which states how the early Christians had a more or less “communist” lifestyle:

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Jesus didn’t take the rich man’s wealth from him. That’s one thing that you’re missing here. Communism takes by force, Christianity does not. Christianity involves free will. Jesus was obviously aware of the distinction. So no, Jesus was not a Communist or a socialist.
I can argue using the sacred scripture, but instead, I’m just ask that.

How Jesus can be communist if the communism reject religion and the only God is the state?
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Definitely something a working class hero would do.

Jesus was a true comrade.
While I do think Jesus, indeed, cared very much about the poor and marginalized, saying he subscribed to an ideology that didn’t exist for about 19 more centuries after his death is a bit of an anachronism, IMO.
Upon learning all of this, I am actually quite surprised that so many Christians are anti-socialist.
There is socialism and socialism. I don’t know where you live, but socialism in the European countries I know is not communism.

While the Church has recognized that care of Jesus for the most vulnerable – the “preferential option for the poor” –, communism, as a political system, also comes with infringements on fundamental liberties and ethical choices which are difficult for the Christian faith to condone.
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Except the "utopia"described in Acts broke down almost immediately due to too many freeloaders, hence St. Paul saying that those who would not work should not eat.

A small business owner Himself, never forcibly took anyone else’s possessions and gave them to other people. Because that is theft, and it is evil.
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Does you think in a full catholic society there will not be rich people? Rich people will exist until the end. Jesus alerts the attachment of world through material beings. The problem of capitalism is not the money, but the profit where people belive that have a financial prosperity you grow up in others life layers, too.
Jesus didn’t take the rich man’s wealth from him. That’s one thing that you’re missing here. Communism takes by force, Christianity does not. Christianity involves free will. Jesus was obviously aware of the distinction. So no, Jesus was not a Communist or a socialist.
I agree.

Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.” He replied to him, “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?”
Then he said to the crowd, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.”
Lk 12:13-15

Sometimes when we hear arguments about whether capitalism or communism is the better or “more Christian” system, isn’t it like hearing an argument about whether it is better to be guided by greed or by envy?
I can argue using the sacred scripture, but instead, I’m just ask that.

How Jesus can be communist if the communism reject religion and the only God is the state?
Yes! Our Lord was not an advocate for systems. He was an advocate for a life lived in radical relationship to God. There is nothing of that in communism. There is nothing of that in capitalism. We aren’t here to advance an “-ism.” We’re here to advance as much as possible a common life that encourages the free development of the virtues.
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So Mao Zedong who killed 20–46 million people and Stalin who killed more than 60 million people were saints then?

Dude you’re so wrong, I can’t even tell on how many levels…

I dare to say putting image of Jesus Christ on this cursed red rag and next to the hammer and sickle is blasphemous. Ask any catholic from communist or post-communist country.
I guess all those Papal Encyclicals condemning communism and socialism mean nothing, huh?
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