Jesus Washing Feet

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I’ve been reading the Gospel of John 9 (thx be to God) and I was wondering if someone could thoroughly explain to me the seen at the Last Supper when Jesus washes his disciples feet and tells them you may not understand this but you will. I know he continues tellhim them how if they are clean then only need their feet washed. . .but what exactly is he alluding to? I can think of a few different meanings but probably none are right. Also, if any experts are out there, maybe you can add something about the Catholic Church’s tradition of washing feet and what it means to the Church. Seems like it was very important since it was done at the last supper yet I don’t feel that there’s much emphasis on it during Easter?


Sorry, not John 9. . .that was a ( and I didn’t push Shift.

Here are two possible meanings:
  1. a call, especially for leaders, to humbly serve others. (Luke 22:24-27)
  2. the need for confession of sins committed after baptism:
    “The whole of a man is washed in baptism, not excepting his feet; but living in the world afterwards, we tread upon the earth. Those human affections then, without which we cannot live in this world, are, as it were, our feet, which connect us with human things, so that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. But if we confess our sins, He who washed the disciples’ feet, forgives us our sins even down too our feet, wherewith we hold our converse with earth.” (St. Augustine)
Everytime I watch that scene in Jesus of Nazareth, I always remember when Christ said “I came into this world to serve not to be served.” It seems like it was about humility and Christ being humble born in a stable, and yes serving.
The church from my understanding has always done this to demonstrate that we are all to serve as Christ. On Holy Thursday it is a renactment of the Last Supper when Christ washes the feet of the Apostles. Our priest’s in the past have washed the feet of Parish Council members, worship members. They play that beautiful song The Basin and the towel. I have always been taught that it was about Christ teaching us all to serve. But in reading the other post, I am sure there was probably more than one reason.
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. As the previous poster stated, that this is play out in full on Holy Thursday. Different churchs do it a little different, but the meaning is the same. In one church I was in it was not the Pastoral Council, but random people pick from the congregation. In another, the priest started with a few, and then had them go pick someone from the congregation to wash their feet. It is about serving, and humbling ourselves, as Christ did for us. If you really want to get a good feel for the Easter season. Go to the what they call the Triduim of Holy Week. It is especially, the Masses or Services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Services. If you want even more go to Mass beginning with Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) everyday through the Easter Service of your choice. If you have a good Priest, between the readings and his homilies, you will understand so much more.
You want to learn how to be humble? Try washing someones dirty feet.Im happy to see that women are not to be excluded from this act of love. 😃
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