Where was Jesus after the Resurrection, before the Ascension? Only 7 or 8 encounters between him and disciples are recorded, he occasionally appeared in their midst, spoke, taught, then disappeared again. Most of those 40 days, they didn’t see him, apparently. Many Protestant writers maintain that because he was resurrected in a spiritual body, he was invisibly present, like the angels or Holy Spirit, only making himself manifest when it suited him. However, the term “spiritual body” doesn’t mean a spirit “body”, such as an angel might assume, but a fully human, fleshy body, the body however being entirely docile and obedient to the spiritual soul. Thus, the spiritual body is immortal, free of concupiscence, hunger, etc., and not subject to limitations of time and space. I recently heard one of our priests, in his Ascension Sunday (!) homily, say that between appearances, he was in Heaven, that the Ascension 40 days after Easter was simply his final ascension. Any knowledgeable, substantive answers? Dale.