Jewish People, what do you think of group(s) trying to rebuild the Temple?

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I became aware of one of these groups a couple years ago when they made US headlines for funding their Temple rebuilding and Jewish educational activities by selling coins with Trump on them being compared to King Cyrus. That didn’t bother me one way or the other since I’m aware that many in Israel are happy about Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, and I also thought it was a great marketing gimmick, since it made the international news and a lot of people who aren’t Jewish/ don’t care about the Temple or don’t know what it was will pay money for a Trump souvenir.

Trump aside, it seems like this group offers some really interesting educational programs, including via Zoom and apps. I just watched one on the 6 Day War. I’m dubious about the odds of a Temple rebuild happening any time soon, given that the Dome of the Rock is now in its spot, but who knows what might happen down the road. I would of course love to see a Temple that looks as much as possible like the one Jesus visited, and if possible for Christians to visit it that would be nice. The Dome of the Rock doesn’t really encourage non-Muslims to visit, and I would have to leave home everything Christian that I might have on me like a rosary, and cover up my IHS tatt…doesn’t really sit right with me. I did get to pray at the Western (Wailing) Wall, which was very nice.

I did wonder what Jewish people think of this group and others (as I’m sure there are more than one) advocating the rebuilding of the Temple? If possible to respond without focusing on Trump, please do. I only mentioned him at the beginning to get that out of the way before someone else brought it up, kinda like the trial lawyer mentioning the difficult evidence before his opponent does.
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Hmm I have heard that some protestant denominations here in the US are having the same thoughts!
Go figure.
They are. The group put an app showing a virtual view of walking through the temple on their social media and some Jewish reader got upset that the app was from some evangelical group. Since I don’t have to worry about the theology either way, I can just go, “Hey, cool app, I can virtually walk through the Temple!”

edited to add, here’s the app if anyone wants to check it out. I hope this isn’t offensive to anyone, if it is I will take it down.

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I am not up on this situation.
But the Temple mount in Jerusalem is controlled by the Moslems. What would they do about that? In fact a very important Muslim shrine is the main feature of the Temple mount.
They are witnessing what was spoken about in the Old Testament, the dry bones coming together and God breathes life into them. Jews gathered from around the world, all learning the lost language Hebrew, for daily life, is remarkable, never seen in the history of mankind. Seeing this, why wouldn’t they want to prepare for more Godly intervention on their behalf! I am not Jewish but celebrating with them at God’s fulfillment of his word.
But the Temple mount in Jerusalem is controlled by the Moslems. What would they do about that? In fact a very important Muslim shrine is the main feature of the Temple mount.
Yes, I mentioned that in my post. Obviously the Muslim shrine couldn’t continue to be there. That’s one reason I’m asking the Jewish posters how they feel about this.
Removing the Dome of the Rock from the Temple Mount would cause WWIII.

Most Jews long for the Temple to be re-built, as do many Christians.
It just doesn’t seem at all feasible in the near future.
Jerusalem was given to the Jewish people by HaShem; it is only fitting that as Israel’s capital Jerusalem is the proper place for the American embassy.

I’m glad Trump agreed to move it. Israeli Jews are much more supportive and thankful to Trump than American Jews.

If someone can figure out a way to get the mosque removed, I will find an all-red heifer to hasten in the third Temple period.

I long to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to meditate in His temple,
Deacon Christopher
i was just thinking to myself two days ago , if Protestants think Catholic/Greek Orthodox churches are idolatrous , how would they feel to be inside the beautifully adorned temple itself? Bezalel was inspired by the holy spirit to craft all the beauty in the temple !
I know you asked for a “Jewish” perspective on this topic, but from a Catholic point of view, I never understood the desire for a rebuilt Temple.

I know that in some evangelical circles, similar to what you would find in the Left Behind series, there’s a belief that a third temple needs to be built in order to help usher in the second coming of Christ.

That interpretation is not biblical and no prophecy speaks of a rebuilt Temple. Other than furthering hostilities between Jews and Muslims, this rebuilt Temple has no scriptural significance for Catholics.
Because our bodies are the new temples?
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That and God tabernacles with us every Sunday (the Lord’s Day) when we celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

His presence is no longer found a single Temple, but in the Church.
Jesus is THE temple. We gather around him, not a physical place of worship where God dwelled.
We can each be a temple of the Lord to the extent we allow Jesus to live in us and through us.

However, both Jewish people and evangelicals are likely to be interested in seeing the Scripture prophecies fulfilled. I believe there is one such prophecy about the rebuilding of the Temple, as well as the return of Jewish people to Israel, which has, against pretty big odds, already happened.
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Disclaimer: I’m a goyim, this is just from my study of the topic;

It’s relatively simple. Malachi states that Messiah will come to the temple.

As the temple does not currently exist and, to the Jewish mind, Messiah has yet to come, it must be reinstated. Q.E.D.

I believe there is one such prophecy about the rebuilding of the Temple, as well as the return of Jewish people to Israel, which has, against pretty big odds, already happened.
I have never heard of this scripture can you please tell me where I could find it? Is the prophecy about a third temple or was it about the second?
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