Jewish word for a nice person

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If a Jewish woman is very nice, and I wanted to express that using Jewish lingo, what would I say to her?
Jewish for “nice woman”

אישה נחמדה per Google
An honorable, decent person, an authentic person, a person who helps you when you need help. Can be a man, woman or child.

Also seen it spelled as Mensch
It would entirely depend on the context. Why not just tell her in English and wish her Shalom
Jewish lingo?
I don’t know, say you are nice?
Be careful with that stuff, you could offend her if you say that to her and she doesn’t know what you are even saying.
Unless she is an orthodox Jew or from Israel I wouldn’t assume most American Jews would even know what you’re talking about. Maybe they do but my father was Jewish as a child and I think I know more Hebrew than him honestly.
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The word “mensch” is Yiddish, not Hebrew. Most Jews know the meaning, religious or not, unless maybe if they are Sephardic. BTW, the opposite, a totally disgusting person, is an “unmensch.” That one is not as well known.
Yah. Thats true actually. My fathers grandpa came here from western Russia and I believe Yiddish was the language on his Ellis Island certificate. I forgot about that.
How about paskudnyak? It’s in Leo Rosten’s The Joys of Yiddish, and he defines it as “a man or woman who is… nasty, mean, odious, contemptible, rotten, vulgar, insensitive, petty and — in general — opprobrious” — in fact, the diametric opposite of a mensch. I like it because it sounds like what it denotes, and it’s a great name for a character in a joke or a parody: “Mr. Paskudnyak, welcome to Let’s Make a Deal!” I’ll be sorry if it isn’t in common usage at least in some circles.
Although I’ve never heard of that term, I’m sure some people do use it, because, as you say, it sounds like the person it describes.
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Especially today, you might get in some trouble calling a woman that to her face. It doesn’t mean a nice girl, but rather a nice-looking girl.
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