Jews and Anti-semitism

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  1. Why do some (or many) jews (zionists) believe they are somewhat superior to others?
  2. Why have jews been hated and persecuted for 2,000 years? It would be hard to believe, for no reason…
  3. Why is the focus point of the world jews…all I hear about is how jews are being treated “unfairly” , or I have to be reminded about the holocaust and persecution.
  4. Why was Passion of Christ such a big deal for the jews, why do the jews keep trying to convince us that it was the Romans who killed Christ, even tho it was the Jews, what difference does it make, and why did I hear that the movie was banned in France and Israel? I don’t see how holocaust movies are anti-german?
  5. Why are millions of people dieng in Africa through mass genocide/raping (Darfhour), why are Arabs the so-called “terrorists”, and why does the USA keep siding with Israel… and why is the Media perception of Arabs as terrorists but Jews the good guys? What about the massacre in Qana? What about innocent civilians who are getting killed in Lebanon?
  6. Why do I get the sense that Jewish lives are somewhat more important than other lives?
  7. In Poland they released the names of those who were part of the secret police, those who arrested and killed many who were innocent… why are half of them jewish?
These are the questions that go through my mind in today’s global events. I was wondering if some will say I am anti-semite for thinking this? Or, what do others think about these issues I have raised, I am curious to hear what you guys have to say.

God bless!

For number 6, I mean, USA seems to be siding with Israel, yet people are dieng in Darhfour for example. If that was happening in Israel, I bet the Arabs would have been nuked by now. Or this is my feeling. Where is the justice?
  1. In Poland they released the names of those who were part of the secret police, those who arrested and killed many who were innocent… why are half of them jewish?
These are the questions that go through my mind in today’s global events. I was wondering if some will say I am anti-semite for thinking this? Or, what do others think about these issues I have raised, I am curious to hear what you guys have to say.

God bless!
I’m not going to touch most of your “questions” since you obviously already have your mind made up.

As to tyour last, I heard on the BBC that those who had files with the secret police were not necessarily informers. According to the story, if the secret police obtained information from you in ay way, even without your knowledge (say, from tapping you phone), they started a file in your name.
**Polska’s words in bold,**my replies underlined.

**1. Why do some (or many) jews (zionists) believe they are somewhat superior to others?
Why do some whites think themselves superior to blacks or asians?
Why do some Christians think themselves superior to non-Christians?
Why do some people, of any nation, think themselves superior to foreigners?

** 2. Why have jews been hated and persecuted for 2,000 years? It would be hard to believe, for no reason…**

Whom God loves, the devil hates. Thus the Jews, being God’s chosen people, are persecuted.

** 3. Why is the focus point of the world jews…all I hear about is how jews are being treated “unfairly” , or I have to be reminded about the holocaust and persecution.**

The Holocuast did take place. The persecution is real.

** 4. Why was Passion of Christ such a big deal for the jews, why do the jews keep trying to convince us that it was the Romans who killed Christ, even tho it was the Jews, what difference does it make, and why did I hear that the movie was banned in France and Israel? I don’t see how holocaust movies are anti-german?**

It wasn’t the Jews. It was everybody. Each person who ever lived shares the responsiblity for the death of Christ.

** 5. Why are millions of people dieng in Africa through mass genocide/raping (Darfhour),**

Do you suggest Jews are somehow responsible for this? If not, what’s your point?

why are Arabs the so-called “terrorists”, and why does the USA keep siding with Israel… and why is the Media perception of Arabs as terrorists but Jews the good guys?

It wasn’t a Jewish group that slammed those airliners into the World Trade Center.
I don’t agree that the US “always” sides with Isreal.
As for the Media perception (shrug) is this the same Media that perceives Christians as fanatics for opposing abortion and disapproving of “gay marriage”?

**What about the massacre in Qana? What about innocent civilians who are getting killed in Lebanon?
What about them?

** 6. Why do I get the sense that Jewish lives are somewhat more important than other lives?**

I don’t know, Polska. Why do you?

** 7. In Poland they released the names of those who were part of the secret police, those who arrested and killed many who were innocent… why are half of them jewish? **

You say half were Jewish. Prove it.
Also, the fact that the secret police have a file on you does not make you an agent for the secret police.

** These are the questions that go through my mind in today’s global events. I was wondering if some will say I am anti-semite for thinking this?

**Yes, I think some will say that. For myself, not having met you, I prefer not to make hasty judgements.

**Or, what do others think about these issues I have raised, I am curious to hear what you guys have to say.

God bless!**

God bless you, Polska, and God bless the Jews, His chosen people. 🙂
  1. Why do some (or many) jews (zionists) believe they are somewhat superior to others?
2. Why have jews been hated and persecuted for 2,000 years? It would be hard to believe, for no reason…
  1. Why is the focus point of the world jews…all I hear about is how jews are being treated “unfairly” , or I have to be reminded about the holocaust and persecution.
  1. Why was Passion of Christ such a big deal for the jews, why do the jews keep trying to convince us that it was the Romans who killed Christ, even tho it was the Jews, what difference does it make, and why did I hear that the movie was banned in France and Israel? I don’t see how holocaust movies are anti-german?
  1. Why are millions of people dieng in Africa through mass genocide/raping (Darfhour), why are Arabs the so-called “terrorists”, and why does the USA keep siding with Israel… and why is the Media perception of Arabs as terrorists but Jews the good guys? What about the massacre in Qana? What about innocent civilians who are getting killed in Lebanon?
  1. Why do I get the sense that Jewish lives are somewhat more important than other lives?
  2. In Poland they released the names of those who were part of the secret police, those who arrested and killed many who were innocent… why are half of them jewish?
These are the questions that go through my mind in today’s global events. I was wondering if some will say I am anti-semite for thinking this? Or, what do others think about these issues I have raised, I am curious to hear what you guys have to say.

You are watching too much TV :coffee:

God bless!
  1. Why do some (or many) jews (zionists) believe they are somewhat superior to others?
Probably for several reasons:

1 – They are superior, in many ways. If you look at their population, they’ve made a massively disproportionate contribution to science and culture. They control a massively disproportionate amount of media and influence and wealth as well.

2 – They regard themselves as the “Chosen” people. That automatically connotates superiority.

Keep in mind that the Jews aren’t the only group to believe in their superiority though.

Americans, for instance, tend to believe that America is superior to other countries of the world.
Thanks for your responses. I am just struggling with events that happen on a regular basis. For example, Mel Gibson says some bad things about jews, not good, agreed, however the media blew it out of proportion. People slander about races all the time and I don’t hear it on my news station or the newspaper. And with everything I have just said, it just doesn’t seem like there is justice in the world, where is the equality. My statement about Darfhour was not that jews are behind it, just that we, as the developed nations, are more concerned with Israel-Arab conflict than mass genocide in Africa. Bush is spending trillions of dollars on Iraq/Afghanistan and the whole middle east while spending very little in Africa. I am just asking you to imagine something… imagine if Arabs came into Israel and started genocide, I bet you all of middle east would be nuked, yet not much is happening to stop genoice in Africa. So its not like im advocating hate, I am just advocating equality and justice in the world.
Thanks for your responses. I am just struggling with events that happen on a regular basis. For example, Mel Gibson says some bad things about jews, not good, agreed, however the media blew it out of proportion. People slander about races all the time and I don’t hear it on my news station or the newspaper. And with everything I have just said, it just doesn’t seem like there is justice in the world, where is the equality. My statement about Darfhour was not that jews are behind it, just that we, as the developed nations, are more concerned with Israel-Arab conflict than mass genocide in Africa. Bush is spending trillions of dollars on Iraq/Afghanistan and the whole middle east while spending very little in Africa. I am just asking you to imagine something… imagine if Arabs came into Israel and started genocide, I bet you all of middle east would be nuked, yet not much is happening to stop genoice in Africa. So its not like im advocating hate, I am just advocating equality and justice in the world.
I understand but if you cannot igore history you must put it in context
Please watch the google vids to give a perspective how Evil Hitler was.

Democide is a term created by political scientist R. J. Rummel in order to create a broader concept than the legal definition of genocide. Democide is defined as “The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”
Qing Dynasty,
mainly Empress Dowager Cixi 1859-64,
Tai Ping Rebellion -12,000,000
Genghis Khan 1215-1233 - 4,000,000
Adolf Hitler 1933-1945 - 21,000,000
Chiang Kai-shek 1921-1948 - 10,000,000
Khubilai Khan 1252-1279 -19,000,000
Vladimir Lenin 1917-1924 - 4,000,000
Leopold II of Belgium 1885-1908 - 10,000,000
Pol Pot 1968-1987- 2,000,000
Joseph Stalin 1929-1953 - 43,000,000
Hideki Tojo 1941-1945 - 4,000,000
Mao Tse-tung 1923-1976 - 77,000,000
Thanks for your responses. I am just struggling with events that happen on a regular basis. For example, Mel Gibson says some bad things about jews, not good, agreed, however the media blew it out of proportion. People slander about races all the time and I don’t hear it on my news station or the newspaper. And with everything I have just said, it just doesn’t seem like there is justice in the world, where is the equality. My statement about Darfhour was not that jews are behind it, just that we, as the developed nations, are more concerned with Israel-Arab conflict than mass genocide in Africa. Bush is spending trillions of dollars on Iraq/Afghanistan and the whole middle east while spending very little in Africa. I am just asking you to imagine something… imagine if Arabs came into Israel and started genocide, I bet you all of middle east would be nuked, yet not much is happening to stop genoice in Africa. So its not like im advocating hate, I am just advocating equality and justice in the world.
I understand. You’re trying to grapple with the unstated rules of political correctness.

Basically, it comes down to the idea that some groups are “protected” and some groups aren’t.

Political correctness doesn’t do away with bigotry – it merely redefines what bigotries are acceptable. For instance, it would be completely unacceptable in the current climate to say anything particularly disparaging about Jews, but any anti-Christian statement is applauded and encouraged in our society and media. The Holocaust is certainly a horrible crime, but the media and history professors don’t seem to be all that interested in talking about the multitude of Christians that where annihilated in the 20th century.

It’s not completely a fair system, but here’s a way to try to understand the system of political correctness:

1 – “Protected” groups include racial minorities, non-Christian religions, women and homosexuals.

2 – “Unprotected” groups are Christians, white males and Southerners (and when a person is all 3, watch out!).

In the case of category #1, any public utterance that could even remotely be construed as a criticism of the group in question or even of an individual within that group will be met with extensive and negative media coverage, calls for boycott, demands for apology and a carefully crafted media hysteria.

In the case of category #2, any public criticism of the group will be lauded. When the group in any way fights back, the media ridicules and belittles the position of said group.

That’s why:

1 – It was okay to call Mel Gibson an anti-Semite, even though that movie is pretty close to the Biblical account.

2 – Christians who spoke out against the Da Vinci Code were cast as intolerant idiots.

Sadly, this is the language of our culture in the West.
I understand. You’re trying to grapple with the unstated rules of political correctness.

Basically, it comes down to the idea that some groups are “protected” and some groups aren’t.

Political correctness doesn’t do away with bigotry – it merely redefines what bigotries are acceptable. For instance, it would be completely unacceptable in the current climate to say anything particularly disparaging about Jews, but any anti-Christian statement is applauded and encouraged in our society and media. The Holocaust is certainly a horrible crime, but the media and history professors don’t seem to be all that interested in talking about the multitude of Christians that where annihilated in the 20th century.

It’s not completely a fair system, but here’s a way to try to understand the system of political correctness:

1 – “Protected” groups include racial minorities, non-Christian religions, women and homosexuals.

2 – “Unprotected” groups are Christians, white males and Southerners (and when a person is all 3, watch out!).

In the case of category #1, any public utterance that could even remotely be construed as a criticism of the group in question or even of an individual within that group will be met with extensive and negative media coverage, calls for boycott, demands for apology and a carefully crafted media hysteria.

In the case of category #2, any public criticism of the group will be lauded. When the group in any way fights back, the media ridicules and belittles the position of said group.

That’s why:

1 – It was okay to call Mel Gibson an anti-Semite, even though that movie is pretty close to the Biblical account.

2 – Christians who spoke out against the Da Vinci Code were cast as intolerant idiots.

Sadly, this is the language of our culture in the West.
Things have not changed
American Eugenics Party

P.O. BOX 38068




Dysgenic acts and ideas will not be conveyed over the public communication media. Such expression is negative to young and impressionable minds and prevents a pleasant atmosphere for the capable. Suggestions to improve the communication media will be encouraged and handled through responsible authorities.


The caucasians are the controlling race in the world but the reason we do not have a Eugenic Society today is because of interfering, mentally deficient caucasians (White Defectives) in controlling positions (incorrect eugenic programs are a secondary cause). There are White Defectives who propose race mixing, while other White Defectives promote inter-caucasian strife - both prevent Eugenics but in different ways. White Defectives must be removed from controlling positions.


Violence-type sports such as boxing, bullfights, etc. are to be eliminated or suitably altered. These types of “recreations” help produce negative behavior in lesser mental types because they promote disregard for human and animal life.


are to be enacted and enforced to prohibit gambling, alcoholism, smoking in public places, prostitution, sexual perversion, narcotics, obscene display in literature, movies, etc. and other vices. Happiness, health, and progress are endangered by these dysgenic acts


Eugenic marriages will be encouraged through a nationwide classification of all marriageable individuals. Those with similar qualities will be encouraged to meet and eventually marry. Today many do not marry because they are unable to find suitable partners. Those who marry unsuitable mates are not only unhappy in marriage (which often leads to divorce - an increasing tendency) but bring forth undesirable offspring. Unhappy marriages, divorces, and undesirable offspring can only be solved through a “mate-location system.” Your evaluation or support (as a promoter and/or financial contributor) of the above Platform, (which is designed to unify those having common principles; prevent genetic threats; and evolve a Eugenic Society), is requested.


No race or stock is to be harshly treated. All caucasian stocks (Germans, Jews, Italians, Poles, etc.) are to remain separate and free from persecution or abuse and must unite to ward off the non-caucasian genetic threat.


The United States is already over-populated. We must stop all immigration and impose birth controls.


The AMERICAN EUGENICS PARTY does not oppose any religion which upholds Eugenic Principles. As an organization, we do not take a position on the existence of God.

Maybe a little - Until they get the Gene Pool

copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; The materials may be used in digital or print form in reports, research, and other projects that are not offered for sale.
Things have not changed
American Eugenics Party

P.O. BOX 38068




Dysgenic acts and ideas will not be conveyed over the public communication media. Such expression is negative to young and impressionable minds and prevents a pleasant atmosphere for the capable. Suggestions to improve the communication media will be encouraged and handled through responsible authorities.


The caucasians are the controlling race in the world but the reason we do not have a Eugenic Society today is because of interfering, mentally deficient caucasians (White Defectives) in controlling positions (incorrect eugenic programs are a secondary cause). There are White Defectives who propose race mixing, while other White Defectives promote inter-caucasian strife - both prevent Eugenics but in different ways. White Defectives must be removed from controlling positions.


Violence-type sports such as boxing, bullfights, etc. are to be eliminated or suitably altered. These types of “recreations” help produce negative behavior in lesser mental types because they promote disregard for human and animal life.


are to be enacted and enforced to prohibit gambling, alcoholism, smoking in public places, prostitution, sexual perversion, narcotics, obscene display in literature, movies, etc. and other vices. Happiness, health, and progress are endangered by these dysgenic acts


Eugenic marriages will be encouraged through a nationwide classification of all marriageable individuals. Those with similar qualities will be encouraged to meet and eventually marry. Today many do not marry because they are unable to find suitable partners. Those who marry unsuitable mates are not only unhappy in marriage (which often leads to divorce - an increasing tendency) but bring forth undesirable offspring. Unhappy marriages, divorces, and undesirable offspring can only be solved through a “mate-location system.” Your evaluation or support (as a promoter and/or financial contributor) of the above Platform, (which is designed to unify those having common principles; prevent genetic threats; and evolve a Eugenic Society), is requested.


No race or stock is to be harshly treated. All caucasian stocks (Germans, Jews, Italians, Poles, etc.) are to remain separate and free from persecution or abuse and must unite to ward off the non-caucasian genetic threat.


The United States is already over-populated. We must stop all immigration and impose birth controls.


The AMERICAN EUGENICS PARTY does not oppose any religion which upholds Eugenic Principles. As an organization, we do not take a position on the existence of God.

Maybe a little - Until they get the Gene Pool

copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; The materials may be used in digital or print form in reports, research, and other projects that are not offered for sale.
You don’t even have to go to an obscure group for Eugenics. Eugenics has gone mainstream. Children diagnosed with Downs Syndrome are being aborted (which is why we have less children with that condition today).

But the idea of racial purity is not one that the nazis created, although it is the most gruesome and obvious example.
I understand. You’re trying to grapple with the unstated rules of political correctness.

Basically, it comes down to the idea that some groups are “protected” and some groups aren’t.

Political correctness doesn’t do away with bigotry – it merely redefines what bigotries are acceptable. For instance, it would be completely unacceptable in the current climate to say anything particularly disparaging about Jews …
Actually, I don’t think you are paying attention. There are horrid things being said out loud today about Jews on almost a daily basis. Some feign horror at Mel Gibson’s drunken out burst, that is true, but look deeper. The Jews are the canary in the mine. Be warned of danger the to you and yours everytime anti-Semitism is left unchallenged or winked away or pooh-poohed.
Actually, I don’t think you are paying attention. There are horrid things being said out loud today about Jews on almost a daily basis. Some feign horror at Mel Gibson’s drunken out burst, that is true, but look deeper. The Jews are the canary in the mine. Be warned of danger the to you and yours everytime anti-Semitism is left unchallenged or winked away or pooh-poohed.
You’re missing the point.

The point is not whether anti-semitism is something that exists. It clearly exists. And it’s clearly reprehensible.

But anti-Catholicism (as one example) is also reprehensible, and our society thinks it is perfectly acceptable.

We should admit to ourselves that we have merely refocused acceptable bigotry and renounce it in all cases.

The only individuals in our society that CAN engage openly in anti-semitism are the other protected groups.

That’s why the Islamic world can say all they want about the Jews and politicians can’t run quickly enough to microphones to declare the Islam is the religion of peace. Islam, being a non-Christian religion, is protected by political correctness.
Great discussion guys and thanks for your responses. I am just trying to get a feel of what other catholics have to say, and I agree with a lot of your thoughts, especially about anti-catholicism. If anyone would like to add anything, please feel free. I guess the results of all of this protection of jews is mostly because the jews find themselves in the elite, politics, doctors, lawyers etc. this kind of education, power and money sure does help to focus the interests of the public.
originally posted by Polska
I guess the results of all of this protection of jews is mostly because the jews find themselves in the elite, politics, doctors, lawyers etc. this kind of education, power and money sure does help to focus the interests of the public.
I come from a town that was 1/3 Jewish in the early 1960s.
There were no “dumb” Jewish kids in my schools.
The accelerated classes in the junior high and high schools held a disproportionate number of Jewish kids.
The rest were in high number academic classes.
None in business classes - I think they saved business courses for college since almost all of them went after high school.
Because they worked the hardest to make the best grades.
I do not believe that Jews “find themselves” in elite or advanced occupations.
I believe they worked their rears off to get there.
Great discussion guys and thanks for your responses. I am just trying to get a feel of what other catholics have to say, and I agree with a lot of your thoughts, especially about anti-catholicism. If anyone would like to add anything, please feel free. I guess the results of all of this protection of jews is mostly because the jews find themselves in the elite, politics, doctors, lawyers etc. this kind of education, power and money sure does help to focus the interests of the public.
Saudi Textbooks Still Teach Hate, Group Says
by Vicky O’Hara
Morning Edition, May 24, 2006

Last week, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal proclaimed in Washington that the reforms go far beyond moderating the language used in textbooks.

“They go into teachers’ training, directions for the messages that are given to children in the formative years, and this is done for our own security and our own educational standard,” he said.

The Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House has studied some of the textbooks currently in use in Saudi public schools, from grades one through 12. Nina Shea, the center’s director, says the texts do not comport with what Saudi officials have been saying.

The textbooks “reflect an ideology of hatred against the other, against Christians, Jews other Muslims, for instance, Shiites and the majority Sunni Muslims and all others who do not subscribe to the Wahhabi doctrine,” Shea says.

The center’s report cites numerous examples. It quotes a fourth-grade text as telling students to “love for the sake of God and to hate for the sake of God.” The report says that textbooks instruct students that Christians and Jews are “apes and pigs” and warns students not to “greet,” “befriend” or “respect” non-believers.

International Task Force
on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia in the Netherlands

“Killing Babies, Compassionately: The Netherlands follows in Germany’s footsteps” by Wesley J. Smith (Weekly Standard, 3/27/06)
Italian official causes outrage in Holland for his comments on Dutch plans to officially permit child euthanasia.
“Dutch government intends to endorse new guidelines on child euthanasia”

“The change in Dutch policy is especially significant because it will provide the model for how the country treats other cases…such as those involving the mentally retarded or elderly people who have become demented.” (Canadian Press, 9/30/05)

Jacques Cousteau, mild-mannered marine biologist, for another. “In order to stabilize world population, we need to eliminate 350,000 people per day.” If Hitler had managed that death rate, he would have completed his holocaust in under a month!

Top American Official Praises China’s Family Planning Program

A favorite Catholic-baiter of Sanger’s was Norman E. Himes, who contributed articles to Sanger’s journal. Himes claimed there were genetic differences between Catholics and non-Catholics.

Are Catholic stocks . . . genetically inferior to such non-Catholic libertarian stocks and Unitarians and Universal . . . Freethinkers? Inferior to non-Catholics in general? . . . my guess is that the answer will someday be made in the affirmative. . . and if the supposed differentials in net productivity are also genuine, the situation is anti-social, perhaps gravely so.

Sanger sought to isolate Catholics by creating a schism between them and Protestants, who had held parallel views of birth control and abortion for centuries. She welcomed a report from a majority of the Committee on Marriage and the Home of the General Council of Churches (later the National Council of Churches) advocating birth control. This committee was composed largely of social elite Protestants, including Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A number of Protestant church bodies publicly repudiated the committee’s endorsement.
Dr. Alan Guttmacher, president of Planned parenthoodÑWorld Population, continues to urge the use of all voluntary means to hold down on the world birthrate. But he foresees the possibility that eventual coercion may become necessary, particularly in areas where the pressure is greatest, possibly India and China. “Each country,” he says, "will have to decide its own form of coercion, and determine when and how it should be employed. At Present, the means are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible.

Coerced abortion is already practiced in China, with the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s approval.
why do the jews keep trying to convince us that it was the Romans who killed Christ, even tho it was the Jews, what difference does it make
That’s the one thing I’ve never understood, and it goes back to a point I made in an earlier thread.

There is no reason to lay the guilt on the Romans. Modern Jewish hands are clean by the mere fact that THEY WERENT ALIVE AT THE TIME AND SO CANNOT POSSIBLY BE HELD (personally) GUILTY…

And yet their defense is not “I wasn’t involved, so get off my back”…its an attempt to defer the whole incident not just from themselves personally (which they obviously cant be guilty of) but from their entire people.

That sort of nationalist mentality is dangerous and evil.
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