Joan of Arc?

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Is not Joan of Arc a Saint? I could not find her name among the other Joan’s on the list of Saint on Saint of the day Website?
She is a saint, but I am not sure if she has a day on the calendar.
Joan of Arc - Born January 6, 1412, in the village of Domremy, France
-Heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret.
  • She was given a small army and raised the siege of Orleans May 8, 1429.
    -May 1430 - she was captured and sold to the English
  • May 30, 1431 She was condemned to death as a heretic, sorceress and adultress and burned at the stake, she was 19 years old.
  • Thirty years later she was exonerated of all guilt and ultimately canonized in 1920 making official what the people had known for centuries.
Prayer to St. Joan

“* Lord, You wondrously raised up St. Joan, Your Virgin, to defend the Faith and her country. Through her intercession grant that the Church may overcome the snares of her enemies and enjoy unbroken peace. Amen”*
She is a saint, but I am not sure if she has a day on the calendar.
Try looking up Jean d’Arc rather than Joan of Arc. Some Saint of the Day websites and books use the original French rather than the Anglicized version of her name. By the way, she is my patron and I have “Jean” as my confirmation name.
Jean Marie:
Try looking up Jean d’Arc rather than Joan of Arc. Some Saint of the Day websites and books use the original French rather than the Anglicized version of her name. By the way, she is my patron and I have “Jean” as my confirmation name.
Also try “Jeanne d’Arc.” I did a quick google on that spelling and got 7934 pages. That ought to keep you busy for a while. 'Specially if you don’t read French very fast 😉

i liked the new movie about st. Joan of arc played by the polish actress Leelee Sobieski .

Whenever there is a thread on “favorite catholic books”, I always mention “Joan of Arc” by Mark Twain. Pardon me if I mention it here.

It took Twain 10 years to research the book and two years to write it. Someone on a different thread thinks that he wrote it for his wife. It’s an early historical novel and an excellent read.

Mark Twain wrote a book about her, and from what I understand, it’s pretty historically accurate.

It also brings her to life in an amazing way.

I felt that the movie, “The Messenger” was incorrect in both theology and cinematics. It’s a good movie, but there’s something inherently wrong about it (other than details) and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Is anyone able to add to this?
“The Messenger” ( 1999 ), directed by a Frenchman ( ! ) Luc Besson , and starring his wife Milla Jovovich , was so full of “inventions” I lost count in ten minutes, and Joan hadn’t even left her village yet.

A prominent Los Angeles film critic said of The Messenger: “I have never used the word vulgar until now.”

The sword did not fall from the sky to the ground next to ten year old Joan. Joan sent for the sword when she was seventeen and already visiting King Charles.

The Voices were not a figure of a young boy, or of Jesus or of Dustin Hoffman. When Joan was twelve, she heard St. Michael the Archangel calling to her. Soon, he appeared to her and promised two other Saints would appear to her: St. Catherine of Alexandria, and St. Margaret of Antioch, both martyrs from the early centuries.

Joan’s sister disappeared from the records early in Joan’s life. One out of three children died in childhood in those days. There is nothing in the historical records about Joan’s sister being raped or killed. Nor is there anything about anything traumatic happening to Joan. She had a happy, uneventful childhood.

The scene where Joan saw a friend burned to death in a house fire is also total fabrication. Nothing like that ever happened.

Joan never told the priest or anybody else about her visions until after she left her village.

Those are the “inventions” from just the first ten minutes of the movie, and then things went downhill.

If there’s anything at all you want to know about Joan, ask me. I got the answers.
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