OK…here is the thing. I am a committed stay-at-home mom. However, I have worked part-time outside my home for the last two years. I am currently throwing a paper route, but have also worked for the newspaper unloading trucks and preparing the tables for the carriers by stacking bundles of product in readiness for their use. I was a carrier before that, and am one again due to my current pregnancy. The other job was too physical for my burgeoning form.
I am about four months pregnant with my fifth child. You large family mamas will know that you start popping out earlier with later babies, because a lot of your muscle tone is gone. So, I look much further along than I am.
I saw a job opportunity in the newspaper that I really want to pursue. It is a job that requires a bachelor’s degree, and I have one. It’s a company that administers and scores tests for schools, and I would be reading and scoring tests. There is an evening shift, 6-10 p.m., that I am interested in. It would fit around my husband’s job, and it would be better than what I am doing now, because I could sleep like a normal person instead of getting up at 1 a.m. everyday and then trying to grab naps when my little ones will let me. (Yeah, right…) It also pays vastly better and would allow me to stop putting so many miles on our needed family car.
So, I am going to go on a job interview obviously pregnant. I know it’s illegal for them to discriminate against me for that reason, but I also live in the real world. If they think I am only a few weeks from delivering, they are NOT going to hire me. The reality is that I have many months in which to be valuable before they would lose me temporarily, and I will be back. It’s not like my family will stop needing money once we have more kids!
How do I handle this? It will be impossible to answer the question as to why I left my last job without mentioning my pregnancy. And trying to get through the interview without it coming up is going to feel like there’s a big green elephant in the room. Plus, how can I communicate that my physique does not indicate my due date? I know it’s illegal for them to bring it up… would it be unwise of me to bring it up? Would it be un-wiser to try to ignore it and realistically expect them to? I really want to have a chance at this job!
Any advice from moms who have been there? HR experts hanging around here? What do I do? I am in Arizona, if that helps you with any legal details.
I am about four months pregnant with my fifth child. You large family mamas will know that you start popping out earlier with later babies, because a lot of your muscle tone is gone. So, I look much further along than I am.
I saw a job opportunity in the newspaper that I really want to pursue. It is a job that requires a bachelor’s degree, and I have one. It’s a company that administers and scores tests for schools, and I would be reading and scoring tests. There is an evening shift, 6-10 p.m., that I am interested in. It would fit around my husband’s job, and it would be better than what I am doing now, because I could sleep like a normal person instead of getting up at 1 a.m. everyday and then trying to grab naps when my little ones will let me. (Yeah, right…) It also pays vastly better and would allow me to stop putting so many miles on our needed family car.
So, I am going to go on a job interview obviously pregnant. I know it’s illegal for them to discriminate against me for that reason, but I also live in the real world. If they think I am only a few weeks from delivering, they are NOT going to hire me. The reality is that I have many months in which to be valuable before they would lose me temporarily, and I will be back. It’s not like my family will stop needing money once we have more kids!
How do I handle this? It will be impossible to answer the question as to why I left my last job without mentioning my pregnancy. And trying to get through the interview without it coming up is going to feel like there’s a big green elephant in the room. Plus, how can I communicate that my physique does not indicate my due date? I know it’s illegal for them to bring it up… would it be unwise of me to bring it up? Would it be un-wiser to try to ignore it and realistically expect them to? I really want to have a chance at this job!
Any advice from moms who have been there? HR experts hanging around here? What do I do? I am in Arizona, if that helps you with any legal details.