He must be doing something right though, Last time I checked they have an average of 48,000 people every service.so if people did not like what he was teaching, I dont think there would be so many followers, he MUST be doing some good for quite a few people out there to retain these kinds of numbers…someone preaching false doctrine, usually doesnt last too long, as most people eventually find out what they are all about and quit going…not the case with Olsteen.
So, you’re saying that if enough people believe something, it makes it true?
Check John 6 on this one. Jesus lost most of his followers when he spoke the truth there. Then, of course, on the cross… well, that message was too hard for all but a few to bear.
People want to believe what Joel is selling because they want a shortcut to wealth. They want to have someone say that it is okay for them to want material things. Basically, they want their bad behavior vindicated, and then to be told that everything is okay because we’re all going to heaven anyway.
Toss in a free gym membership and some free t-shirts to boot.
Frankly it’s surprising there aren’t more people jumping on this sinking ship.
Plus, its not like the CC doesnt cherry pick scriptures either, went to catholic school up until 7th grade, and never once heard anything about the Nephilim, nor has my father, who went all thru catholic school, and catholic college, is 58 yrs old attends mass every sunday, he claimed he had never once heard of the Nephilim either… something is definitely wrong here.
The CC does not “cherry pick”.
If you don’t catch it at Sunday Mass, likely, it was a weekday reading.
Not every single bit of the Bible is read, but a huge portion is.
Go to Mass on Ord. Time, Week 18, Wed
Where the readings are:
Num 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26a-29a, 34-35
if you want to hear mention of the Nephilim.
Check the Lectionary if you want to find out when specific Bible versus are brought up.
What’s the big deal about the Nephilim?