John of God?

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My aunt, who was raised Catholic but I’m unsure where she stands today, is taking her grandson to a “faith healer” from Brazil named “John of God”. I looked into the guy a bit on the web and am extremely worried about what they are getting into. It seems he “channels” dead doctors…

We now live on opposite coasts so I’m not at all sure how to approach the subject. I know the problems my cousin (her grandson) are having is quite serious and things are getting desperate. I’m afraid if I come out and say this guy is dangerous and possibly (probably, imo) under the influance of demons, not God, that I will alienate her and cut any chance of reasoning. So I guess I have 3 questions for the forum…

1 ~ Anyone know of definitive “proof” or Church teachings that this “John of God” is less “of God” then he claims?

2 ~ What is the best course of action to attempt a “healing” within the Church? I was thinking of trying to get her some water from Lourdes or something… But am unsure how to go about it short of international travel.

3 ~ Could you all please pray for them, that they be guided by the Holy Spirit and protected by Saint Michael?

Thank you and God bless…
Jesus,our Lords peace be whit You.
I have only one,and wery short ansver. In desperate situations we do desperate things,and I think that is what You aunt now is doing. I can only advise You to one moore time go to a[proper]doctor. Theese healers seldom do no actual harm,exept from to the wallet and the time that could be used for better things. He might be a “real” healer,but all miracles comes from God. Pray hard,and remember to LISTEN to the ansver You get. Then do as God told You to do. I wish from all my heart that all will be well,and that I somehow will hear from You later on. I am new in this forum,and I don’t know if I can give my e-mail adress or the name of the group I have here,but I think I cant,so I hope that I someway will be able to hear from You later on. Have faith,stand strong,and keep on praying,and You don’t need to go to Lourdes,if Our Blessed Virgin are willing to help You,I am sure She will help also outside Lourdes. I wish I could do,say or give anything moore,but I cant,I can only pray.Blessings,Totterman
To the OP,

Did you ever find out more information on this faith healer? I just saw something about him on TV recently and was wondering if he was affiliated with the Church in some way. He has St. Ignatius on his website which is why I was wondering.

God Bless,

To the OP,

Did you ever find out more information on this faith healer? I just saw something about him on TV recently and was wondering if he was affiliated with the Church in some way. He has St. Ignatius on his website which is why I was wondering.

God Bless,

False prophets sometimes use the names of saints etc to shore up their outreach. This man is consulting dead doctors which makes this spiritualism, which is forbidden in Scripture.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another’s credulity.
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