I read East of Eden whilst in the hospital recovering from pancreatic cancer surgery. I loved it. As someone mentioned above, Flannery O’Connor is another excellent writer. These books aren’t necessarily feel-good books; rather, they address the dark realities of life, often in very stark, alarming, and powerful ways (ie O’Conner’s A Good Man is Hard to Find).
Other literature I love: Crime and Punishment, anything by Dostoevsky actually; 1984; Slaughterhouse 5; The Picture of Dorian Gray… I tend to prefer older literature, history, and other nonfiction. Have fun on your journey!! As a voracious reader, I know how fun it is to ‘discover’ a new author or genre.
Edited to add: how could I have neglected Edgar Allen Poe, my namesake’s inspiration?! Matthew Arnold(A Buried Life), William Wordsworth…okay I need to stop