Join John Paul II Prayer Circle

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John Paul II Ecumenical Prayer Circle is a night vigil and fasting prayer section. We give all the glory and honour to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We encourage people to pray for those who suffer from sickness, debts, having no children, homeless, jobless, abusive to others, sick with hate, fear, addicted on drugs/alcohol, depressed, peaceless, and uneasiness.

Anybody can join this prayer circle. They shall find at least 10 minutes everyday in between 5.30 to 7.00 am or 9.30 to 11.00 pm to pray for the requests which is submitted at the prayer book of this link. Also we have to pray for the world peace, unity of nations, religious harmony, unity of the churches, unity and spiritual harmony among christians. By our prayers God may protect entire earth from natural calamities, contageous diseases, wars, terrorism, communal riots etc.

When children of God crying out together at a particular time, no doubt it will be answerable; because the humble children pleading to God the Father every 24 hours from around the globe. Our Lord said, “Pray without ceasing”.

The priests who join this prayer circle will be remembering all the names and their requests in the Holy Eucharist.

Those who want to uphold prayers are invited to join this prayer circle. Also post your prayer requests, testimonies of the answered prayers, brief devotional thoughts, poems, spiritual stories, events etc.

May the intercessions of the Holy Virgin Mary, all the Apostles, all the Martyrs, all the Saints, especially the blessed John Paul II be our fort and our watch.

May the love of the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us always.

To post prayer requests, view prayer book and to become a prayer partner:
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