Joseph/Mary lineage of David?

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I wonder if you can help me with understanding the lineage of Joseph and Mary. Are they both from the lineage of David? Just Mary? A friend of mine in RCIA said there was some confusion on this topic today.

Thank you!
Hi Elzee,

Mt. 1:16 records the lineage in these words: “And Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, and of her was born Jesus who is called Christ.” But my footnote says that Mary also belonged to the house of David.

St. Luke records the birth in Bethlehem, where both Joseph and Mary were required by Caesar to register (Ch. 2, vs. 5). My footnote reads: “Apparently Mary, who at this time was married to St. Joseph, was also obliged to be registered.”

If Joseph was the only one from the line of David, it doesn’t matter. In the Jewish Faith, the adopted son inherits all the rights of the father. Ancient Jews would not have had a problem with Jesus’ David lineage being traced solely through Joseph.

When Nebuchadnezzar conquered the Jews the Royal House of David was pretty much wiped out from what I remember. This would not have included minor (unimportant) members of the family who would have been missed in the general sweeping-up of the nobility.

Family genealogies were memorised and the remaining descendants of David would have been known by the priests and elders remaining, as well as those in exile.

Although Joseph was only a poor carpenter, belonging as he did to the Tribe of Judah, and a descendant of King David, in the royal line of succession to the throne through King Solomon he was technically a Prince of Israel.

Mary was Elizabeth’s cousin and there is no record of brothers or sisters. Legend has it that she was an only child born late in life to her parents.

As the eldest or only daughter, if she had no brothers, she would have had to marry within her own tribe so that any inheritance of land recived from her father would remain within the Tribe. (Numbers 36:1-12)

Another thing to consider is the difference in the genealogies recorded in Matthew and Luke’s Gospels. Most conservative Bible scholars assume Luke is recording Mary’s genealogy and Matthew is recording Joseph’s. Not being a Biblical scholar I don’t have an opinion on this one, but I just thought I’d mention it.
Eileen T:
Another thing to consider is the difference in the genealogies recorded in Matthew and Luke’s Gospels. Most conservative Bible scholars assume Luke is recording Mary’s genealogy and Matthew is recording Joseph’s. Not being a Biblical scholar I don’t have an opinion on this one, but I just thought I’d mention it.

This was also the opinion of many of the ECF - St. Luke’s Gospel has often been called “The Gospel according to Mary”. That might have some importance because Judaism is Matrilineal (Inlike most of the world which is Patrilineal), and boys get their religion (until Bar-Mitzvah) and “Tribal Affiliation” from their MOTHERS.

So Jesus isn’t of the line and lineage of David only because of Joseph, but also because of MARY.

“Hosanah to the Son of David!”

In Christ, Michael
I got into a long discussion on this point in another thread. It was mixed up with the actual thread topic. But if you want to follow it go to this thread and start at post #26.

Then post #33 from TOM, then back and forth for quite a long time. Not really conclusive, but I’m not going down that path again.
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