I’m finding this on an Atheists forum as well. I found myself doubting at times.?
Well the atheists jobs are ecaxtly that; to start to make you doubt that God is not good and to make you unsure about his existance. (Who do you think is the boss of the atheists)?
Why does God want these people to die? If we all have free will, why destroy them?
These people died in the Old Covenant before Jesus had opened Heaven. They died in the time when God was trying to make the Israelites understand that there is only
ONE God and that the consequences of worshiping other gods, and not the Creator, is DEATH. If we (living in the New Covenant that Jesus instituted chose to do evil (worship other gods) we will not be welcomed in Heaven but have chosen our own destinatination in Hell.
Those who died in the Old Covenant probably got the chance to say YES or NO to Christ between his death and his resurrection.
People today are allowed to live and do terrible things to other people, yet they are not killed by God. Even in the Bible it says that the wicked are allowed to remain because it would hurt the good (I think there was a parable of weeds used).
Yes! Remember that the story in the Bible (OT) is the story about how men fell in sin and about Gods plan to rescue us from TOTALY DEATH (no life). He carried out his plan through** a couple ** (Adam and Eve, the parents of Set), through **a family ** (Noah and his family), through **a tribe ** (Abraham), through **a people ** (the Israelites (the heirs of Jakob/Israel who was the son of Isak)), through
a kingdom and a nation (king David) and, **at last ** in
THE NEW COVENANT, through the Messiah of the whole world, Jesus.
The OT is the story of Salvtion, not the worlds history. There might have lived a lot of other people in the same time period, that might have killed each other and have had wars against each other. That they are not mentioned in the Bible does not mean that they were not important for God, but that they were not important for the message to the whole world: ** You shall have no other gods before me.**
Probably they, too, got the chance to say YES or NO to the everlasting life when Jesus opend Heaven.
We live today in the New Covenant and we will have no new chances after death. We have a free will and God accepts that we use it for good or for evil.
But even suffering can be used for good (remember how Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers and how this evil doing later saved the Israelites from death by hunger?).
I will reccomend you this book about how suffering can be for good in the long run: “Making Sense Out of Suffering” by Peter Kreeft.
I understand OT laws were different, but does that still make it okay? People are always killing others in “the name of God”. Why is it okay?
About wars in the name of God (now under the New Covenant), I don’t think it is legitimate.
The catholic rules for selfprotecting war: See CCC 2302 and below under the heading of “III. SAFEGUARDING PEACE”
How can I help others learn of the Catholic faith if the Bible comes off as wicked and evil? How can I say that our God is loving and merciful if he wants women and children slaughtered?
Tell them the differance about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant!
Peace to you!!
