Judaism, Christianity, Islam

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I’m really worried that Islam might be true. It strikes fear in me because if it is true I’m going to hell. Some people claim that the 3 religions are like a trilogy. Judaism is the first movie, Christianity is the sequels, and Islam is the final movie.
It makes me doubt everything I believe.
Can someone help?
You know the Qur’an is basically a plagiarism of Biblical and extra-Biblical sources, right? It just is in an Arabian poetic form the entire time and it’s really repetitive.
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I’m really worried that Islam might be true. It strikes fear in me because if it is true I’m going to hell. Some people claim that the 3 religions are like a trilogy. Judaism is the first movie, Christianity is the sequels, and Islam is the final movie.
It makes me doubt everything I believe.
Can someone help?
Some statements held to be revelations in the Quran do not agree with the New Testament, for example Quran states that Jesus Christ was not crucified. This is contrary to the four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the letters of the Apostles, Revelation about the crucifixion of Christ, and eye witnesses of the crucifixion. Also there are eye witnesses to the resurrection and ascension of our Lord.
They always tell me I am burning in hell. It really does scare me. I try not to let it control me, but sometimes the thoughts pop up and won’t go away. I’m trying to research Islam deeply to be sure it is false.
Okay but did Muhammad die and rise from the dead? I think not. Jesus did though and Muslims don’t even believe that, rather they picked up old Gnostic nonsense.
I want to be a pastor and if I don’t even know which religion is true, how could I even be a pastor? I just want to follow the truth. I wish that God could just send me something or come to me somehow and show me what religion is true.
God did. He revealed it in the person of Christ, God incarnate, born of a virgin, who died on a cross for your sins and rose three days later, of which there were over 500 witnesses to. Tell me, who else actually saw Muhammad receive the Qur’an other than Muhammad himself? Are you really going to base your faith off the claim of one man whereas hundreds of people could attest to Jesus and actually wrote about it in epistles and gospels?
I would add that Muhammad came 6 centuries after Jesus, when Christianity was well established. It does not make sense for God to ‘correct’ the errors of Christianity that late. Besides, Muhammad was wealthy, had 50 wives and a military general leading the troops into battle.
They always tell me I am burning in hell.
But it doesn’t scare you if an evangelical says it? Trust me, there are more than simply Islam who think you will burn in Hell for your beliefs. And that is true no matter what religion you hold.
I wish that God could just send me something or come to me somehow and show me what religion is true.
He did. He sent you the Prophets, the Bible, his Son, the Church, the Saints, all the faithful priests and bishops and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. What exactly else is it that will convince you?

@Jesusislove, I’m not making light of your question. It is disturbing when people truly believe themselves when they say that you will burn in Hell. However, anybody can say that but only one God, THE God, knows your final destination. Those who say you will burn in Hell have no more authority than any other man or any Catholic priest/bishop/the Pope does. You will become more mature in your faith as time goes on and you are faithful in taking the Sacraments and seeking time with Him in prayer.Spend less time worrying about Hell and more time worrying about simply speaking with Him in prayer and receiving the Sacraments.
They just claim they are the only true religion.
As do we- but Islam’s founder got his ideas of what Christianity is through a heretic (an Arian, I think), whereas Christianity’s “ideas” of Judaism are authentic. The apostles (and Jesus Himself) were Jewish- they didn’t just hear about Judaism, they lived it. They didn’t have a false idea of what Judaism is, whereas Muhammad worked with a false idea of Christianity.

Their claims aren’t to be taken seriously.
Be at Peace, God is the same God as for the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. We share God.

Do you attend the Catholic Mass?
I want to be a pastor and if I don’t even know which religion is true, how could I even be a pastor? I just want to follow the truth. I wish that God could just send me something or come to me somehow and show me what religion is true.
Consider the following (condensed history due to space)

From the Greek NT study bible not an English translation
Acts 9:31 “the church throughout all (universal) ἐκκλησία,καθ’,ὅλης ,τῆς , = the Kataholos Church.

Acts 9:31 the church throughout all , universal ἐκκλησία καθ’ ὅλης τῆς
ἐκκλησία = church ,
καθ’ = according to ,
ὅλης = whole / all / complete / universal ,
τῆς = the ,
= the Kataholos Church = the Catholic Church.

The proper name Catholic Church is used by

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch from ~69 a.d. to ~107 a.d. ordained by the apostles, and direct disciple of St John. Ignatius in his writings uses Catholic Church in (ch 8). From his Epistle to the Smyrnæans http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0109.htm . He also writes schismatics won’t be going to heaven, from his _Epistle to the Philadelphians (ch 3)_ . http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0108.htm . Where would Ignatius learn to teach that warning and consequence for one’s soul, for committing and remaining in the sin of schism / division /schism from the Catholic Church?

It’s from St Paul

**Romans 16:17-20**Rom16:17-20 RSVCE - Final Instructions - I appeal to you, - Bible Gateway

**Galatians 5:19-21**Gal 5:19-21 RSVCE - Now the works of the flesh are plain: - Bible Gateway
both quotes use the same Greek word [διχοστασίαι,] for dissension / division /schism [http://bibleapps.com/greek/1370.htm] And the consequence for that sin if one won’t return to the Catholic Church?

The name Catholic Church is used by

St Polycarp, ~140 a.d. Bp of Smyrna, also a disciple of St John the apostle. He called the Church the “Catholic Church”
The Martyrdom of Polycarp http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0102.htm

Muratorian canon~170 a.d. Muratorian Canon (Roberts-Donaldson Translation) uses the authority of “Catholic Church” in determining the canon of scripture

Irenaeus ~180 a.d. from Smyrna, became bishop of Lyon, wrote “Against Heresies” he called the Church the “Catholic Church” Adversus haereses [Bk 1 Chapter 10 v 3] http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103110.htm . Irenaeus was taught by Polycarp, and taught all must agree with Rome [Bk 3, Chapter 3, v 2-3] http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103303.htm on account of its preeminent authority and why Rome has such authority

Cyprian~250 a.d. calls the Church the Catholic Church Epistle 54 http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/050654.htm

The Nicene Creed, 325 a.d., teaches it’s an article of faith to believe in the “One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church”
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I’m really worried that Islam might be true. It strikes fear in me because if it is true I’m going to hell. Some people claim that the 3 religions are like a trilogy. Judaism is the first movie, Christianity is the sequels, and Islam is the final movie.
It makes me doubt everything I believe.
Can someone help?
There isn’t necessarily a quick fix to your fear other than spending time studying the faith and daily surrendering yourself to God. I had intense fears of hell for a period in the past and I consider myself better off for having experienced that. Many, many people have been through that process.

As far as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam being like a trilogy (I’ve heard this one from Muslims as well): no. This simply isn’t defensible. If you want a book that concisely goes through this, read “Not Peace But A Sword,” which is written by a Muslim convert to the Catholic faith. There’s nothing about Islam that makes it a logical conclusion to Christianity.

In the mean time I hope this can give you some peace: God doesn’t want you to go to hell. He wants only the very best for you, which is for you to be with Him in Heaven. God says to Ezekiel, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked”. Satan is the one who wants to see you damned. Never God.

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