I want to be a pastor and if I don’t even know which religion is true, how could I even be a pastor? I just want to follow the truth. I wish that God could just send me something or come to me somehow and show me what religion is true.
Consider the following (condensed history due to space)
From the Greek NT study bible not an English translation
Acts 9:31 “the church throughout all (universal) ἐκκλησία,καθ’,ὅλης ,τῆς , = the Kataholos Church.
Acts 9:31
the church throughout all , universal ἐκκλησία καθ’ ὅλης τῆς
ἐκκλησία = church ,
καθ’ = according to ,
ὅλης = whole / all / complete / universal ,
τῆς = the ,
= the Kataholos Church = the Catholic Church.
The proper name Catholic Church is used by
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch from ~69 a.d. to ~107 a.d. ordained by the apostles, and direct disciple of St John. Ignatius in his writings uses
Catholic Church in
(ch 8). From his
Epistle to the Smyrnæans http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0109.htm . He also writes schismatics won’t be going to heaven, from his
_Epistle to the Philadelphians (ch 3)_ .
http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0108.htm . Where would Ignatius learn to teach that warning and consequence for one’s soul, for committing and remaining in the sin of schism / division /schism from the Catholic Church?
It’s from St Paul
Romans 16:17-20**
Rom16:17-20 RSVCE - Final Instructions - I appeal to you, - Bible Gateway
Galatians 5:19-21**
Gal 5:19-21 RSVCE - Now the works of the flesh are plain: - Bible Gateway
both quotes use the same Greek word [διχοστασίαι,] for dissension / division /schism [
http://bibleapps.com/greek/1370.htm] And the consequence for that sin if one won’t return to the Catholic Church?
The name Catholic Church is used by
St Polycarp, ~140 a.d. Bp of Smyrna, also a disciple of St John the apostle. He called the Church the “Catholic Church”
Martyrdom of Polycarp http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0102.htm
Muratorian canon~170 a.d.
Muratorian Canon (Roberts-Donaldson Translation) uses the authority of “Catholic Church” in determining the canon of scripture
Irenaeus ~180 a.d. from Smyrna, became bishop of Lyon, wrote “Against Heresies” he called the Church the “Catholic Church”
Adversus haereses [Bk 1 Chapter 10 v 3]
http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103110.htm . Irenaeus was taught by Polycarp, and taught all must agree with Rome
[Bk 3, Chapter 3, v 2-3] http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103303.htm on account of its preeminent authority and why Rome has such authority
Cyprian~250 a.d. calls the Church the Catholic Church Epistle 54
Nicene Creed, 325 a.d., teaches it’s an article of faith to believe in the “One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church”