Judgemental protestants?

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So, I don’t know where to start. I am protestant and i’ve always attended protestant churches and ive never felt like I fit in. (And I fit in everywhere) And some seem so judgemental.
Is this a protestant thing?
Could it just be me?
Do you find this in the catholic church?
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What branch of Protestantism? All too often we get caught in letting people know what we’re against rather than what we’re for.
Yeah, its just a bummer. It seems like the catholic church doesnt have as many small groups so I thought maybe it was different.
So, I don’t know where to start. I am protestant and i’ve always attended protestant churches and ive never felt like I fit in. (And I fit in everywhere) And some seem so judgemental.
Is this a protestant thing?
Could it just be me?
Do you find this in the catholic church?
If you are honestly open to frank answers I would say that if you fit in everywhere but in church…the problem could be you. 😐
Yeah, its just a bummer. It seems like the catholic church doesnt have as many small groups so I thought maybe it was different.
The Catholic Church has a lot of “groups”, ranging from very small to very large. The difference is that — with rare exceptions, such as the SSPX — they stay inside the Church, they don’t split off to form new churches of their own.
Yeah, its just a bummer. It seems like the catholic church doesnt have as many small groups so I thought maybe it was different.
The Catholic Church has a lot of “groups”, ranging from very small to very large. The difference is that — with rare exceptions, such as the SSPX — they stay inside the Church, they don’t split off to form new churches of their own.
I don’t think this is at all what was meant by “small groups.”
It’s very common in Protestant churches to have Bible study and prayer groups that meet throughout the week. These are generally referred to as “small groups.”
With all respect to those groups, that tends to be the knock on them.
Okay, I see, thanks. The last time I sat in a pew in any non-Catholic church I was still in high school …
Okay, I see, thanks. The last time I sat in a pew in any non-Catholic church I was still in high school …
It’s an area in which it would behoove the Catholic Church to take a leaf out of Protestants’ book. They’re a great way to build fellowship in the church by getting parishioners together outside of Sunday mornings.
I’m not sure what you mean by small groups. One thing is if you have trouble fitting in with groups in general and you wish to remain just another anonymous face in the crowd then the Catholic Church, especially one with many parishioners, might be preferable. You can just sit in the back of the Church and when it’s over slip out the door and usually nobody will notice or care
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I wouldnt mind that but I live in a different town than the one I grew up in so I wanted some good christian friends
I hear you. I moved away from my home town at a young age and found it hard to find new friends Christian or otherwise.
It was once kind of rare, but now it isn’t uncommon for Catholic parishes to have men’s groups or Bible study groups or prayer groups and the like that meet outside of Mass time. The nice thing is that most parishes now have web pages that make it easy to see what sorts of groups are available and when they meet. Also, many people who want a “small group” Mass seek out daily Masses, which are typically offered early in the morning (6 am to 9 am, depending on the parish), noon or maybe once or twice a week in the evening (6 pm-7 pm region). College campuses also have daily Masses that are open to the public, but you’re less likely to make friends there if you’re not a student than if you go to a daily Mass at your own parish.
The other sure way to make new acquaintances who might become friends, of course, is to volunteer, especially in corporal works of mercy done as a group. I went to Mass at a parish last week at which the pastor pointed out that you’re only half way there if all you do is pray and come to Mass. You need to do works of mercy, too.
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