The term “judging” has been terribly misused. A judge doesn’t accuse, he carrys out the sentence, in other words he enforces justice. An example of judging is when a road rage driver purposely slams on the brakes when being tailgated. He first accuses the tailgaiter of being either rude or ignorant, but he doesn’t judge until he carrys out his idea of justice with his own hands (even if his action doesn’t cause damage to the tailgaters vehicle, his intention to allow it to happen would be judging)
Accusing others, whether falsely or not, is not in itself judging. A better term for such accusations should be called “jurying” or just outright “ignorance”. A jury accuses rightly, sometimes falsely and sometimes out of ignorance.
When God said do not judge, He couldn’t have meant do not accuse others of wrong doing. Of course we have to accuse others, without proof. We sometimes have to use probability. If I know two of my neighbors like to throw stones, and I find my window broken (yet a third party actually did it) I have every right to assume one of those two kids did it on probability. I’m not judging. Even if I outright accuse one of them falsely (just like juries sometimes do) the act of judging does not occur. Not until I carry out a sentence on my own, such as throwing a rock at their window (or have somebody else do my dirty work) do I judge.
No matter how rude someone’s words or thoughts may be, judging is an action, not a comment, assumption, or accusation. Rude accusations & ignorance are awful, not judging.
Accusing others, whether falsely or not, is not in itself judging. A better term for such accusations should be called “jurying” or just outright “ignorance”. A jury accuses rightly, sometimes falsely and sometimes out of ignorance.
When God said do not judge, He couldn’t have meant do not accuse others of wrong doing. Of course we have to accuse others, without proof. We sometimes have to use probability. If I know two of my neighbors like to throw stones, and I find my window broken (yet a third party actually did it) I have every right to assume one of those two kids did it on probability. I’m not judging. Even if I outright accuse one of them falsely (just like juries sometimes do) the act of judging does not occur. Not until I carry out a sentence on my own, such as throwing a rock at their window (or have somebody else do my dirty work) do I judge.
No matter how rude someone’s words or thoughts may be, judging is an action, not a comment, assumption, or accusation. Rude accusations & ignorance are awful, not judging.