Just a Bunch Questions

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Ive a rough around the edges type personality. Im more on the logical side. I value intelligence. I dont usually make rash, emotional decisions. Ive a no-nonsense attitude and Im bit insensitive. Here is what I dont understand. It is very easy forgive myself, but not others. Some people have said Im selfish. Im not quick to believe everything people tell me. I mind own business also. I have never have trouble with others. Not sure if Im clear. I see the benefits of some religious beliefs but others I disregard. Why is chastity so important? I dont sleep around. I have. I never got emotionally attached. Nothing bad or dramatic happened to me. I go to church when I feel like it. I dont lend, give money to charity, church or people who ask. I think Jesus is important. I sometimes I think the church can be nitpicky about little things. Like what is so wrong with thinking you’re better than someone, if you honestly are? I forgive because I dont like carrying anger in my heart. It does not do anything that hurt me. Sometimes it is hard for me to agree that certain things are ‘wrong’ or sinful if I did not suffer. It takes a lot of hurt me. I dont go out of my way to be mean, nor do I go out of my way to be kind
Well it’s a good thing you were brief ;). Here’s Phillippians 2, written by written by the apostle Paul to Phillip. 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
I’m sure I’m wrong but since you are “rough around the edges” I wouldn’t expect this to offend you. What you wrote sounds like the textbook definition in Psych 101 of a sociopath to me. Just a thought—👍
Ive a rough around the edges type personality. Im more on the logical side. I value intelligence. I dont usually make rash, emotional decisions. Ive a no-nonsense attitude and Im bit insensitive. Here is what I dont understand. It is very easy forgive myself, but not others. Some people have said Im selfish. Im not quick to believe everything people tell me. I mind own business also. I have never have trouble with others. Not sure if Im clear. I see the benefits of some religious beliefs but others I disregard. Why is chastity so important? I dont sleep around. I have. I never got emotionally attached. Nothing bad or dramatic happened to me. I go to church when I feel like it. I dont lend, give money to charity, church or people who ask. I think Jesus is important. I sometimes I think the church can be nitpicky about little things. Like what is so wrong with thinking you’re better than someone, if you honestly are? I forgive because I dont like carrying anger in my heart. It does not do anything that hurt me. Sometimes it is hard for me to agree that certain things are ‘wrong’ or sinful if I did not suffer. It takes a lot of hurt me. I dont go out of my way to be mean, nor do I go out of my way to be kind
If you’re interested in the intellectual end of Christianity, I would recommend some books—start out with GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy. This book basically describes how Chesterton came to believe in everything Christianity taught, even the little, nit-picky things that didn’t make sense to him. It’s also only 100-some pages. CS Lewis’s Mere Christianity is also a really good book. Both these books are intellectual, well-written, short-ish, and may help you with some of your questions/force you to think about them in new ways.
Ive a rough around the edges type personality. Im more on the logical side. I value intelligence. I dont usually make rash, emotional decisions. Ive a no-nonsense attitude and Im bit insensitive. Here is what I dont understand. It is very easy forgive myself, but not others. Some people have said Im selfish. Im not quick to believe everything people tell me. I mind own business also. I have never have trouble with others. Not sure if Im clear. I see the benefits of some religious beliefs but others I disregard. Why is chastity so important? I dont sleep around. I have. I never got emotionally attached. Nothing bad or dramatic happened to me. I go to church when I feel like it. I dont lend, give money to charity, church or people who ask. I think Jesus is important. I sometimes I think the church can be nitpicky about little things. Like what is so wrong with thinking you’re better than someone, if you honestly are? I forgive because I dont like carrying anger in my heart. It does not do anything that hurt me. Sometimes it is hard for me to agree that certain things are ‘wrong’ or sinful if I did not suffer. It takes a lot of hurt me. I dont go out of my way to be mean, nor do I go out of my way to be kind
After reading your post several times, I am not sure anything we could tell you would change your mind. Your questions do reflect at least a partial understanding of Catholic doctrine, but your statement of beliefs, at least for now, suggest to me at least you may not be open to the answers. If your questions are real and not rhetorical, maybe you will find the answers here. I think the book suggestion was a good one.
We are all connected and our actions affect each other. If this were not so, then God would have given us each our own planet.

When you were unchaste, you might have walked away feeling emotionally unattached, but maybe someone was attached to you. Maybe something bad or dramatic happened to her. Perhaps it is yet to happen to you but it will one day.

Your soul is changed, even though you can’t see it. Some can see how your soul is changed. You can’t see it because you only practice your own version of thought and logic.

Your mind seems trapped in yourself.

May God crack open new territories inside of you. God bless.
If you never go out of your way to be kind you cannot be like the Good Samaritan.

I doubt whether you really just live for yourself. If you saw a child in danger you wouldn’t do nothing!
I think the OP does not feel Jesus’ love for Him. Jesus Christ suffered and died for you because He loves you. Your sins make you His enemy: a rebel. You don’t see the harm it does when the bible - the Gospel Paul teaches clearly forbids such actions.

These sins you commit without batting an eye show you have little faith. You should pray more often. If you understood more clearly what God has done for you - you would feel at least guilty for your sins. Read the Youth Catechism for a terse explanation.

Sin separates you from God. And enough sins can lead to mortal sin.

Faith may save you but the love and faith you have now you take with you to heaven.
You may be glad “just” to “get in” and maybe that’s what God shows with people like you: Look how merciful I am that I was merciful even to those who merely claim me as the Lord. I don’t know. :confused:
Ive a rough around the edges type personality. Im more on the logical side. I value intelligence. I dont usually make rash, emotional decisions. Ive a no-nonsense attitude and Im bit insensitive. Here is what I dont understand. It is very easy forgive myself, but not others. Some people have said Im selfish. Im not quick to believe everything people tell me. I mind own business also. I have never have trouble with others. Not sure if Im clear. I see the benefits of some religious beliefs but others I disregard. Why is chastity so important? I dont sleep around. I have. I never got emotionally attached. Nothing bad or dramatic happened to me. I go to church when I feel like it. I dont lend, give money to charity, church or people who ask. I think Jesus is important. I sometimes I think the church can be nitpicky about little things. Like what is so wrong with thinking you’re better than someone, if you honestly are? I forgive because I dont like carrying anger in my heart. It does not do anything that hurt me. Sometimes it is hard for me to agree that certain things are ‘wrong’ or sinful if I did not suffer. It takes a lot of hurt me. I dont go out of my way to be mean, nor do I go out of my way to be kind
Hi and welcome!
You have a few questions here and you might want to start a few threads, each with a single question, so we can chat more on just one subject, giving it the attention it deserves.

I’d like to comment on the chastity remark.

Since the pill has become widely available, and then with unplanned pregnancies, abortion was demanded to ‘fix the problem’, this is what we can observe…

The nations have an epidemic of young women raising their babies alone because they had sex with their boyfriends but were abandoned when a baby came along. This is not good for babies, not good for the young ladies or their boyfriends, and not good for a nation who must then support these bad choices. It certainly is not good for all the babies aborted, in the millions, and the taxes that go to support this bad choice.

If we could wave a magic wand and have everyone follow God’s plan for marriage and family life, we would see…
  1. A huge drop in sexually transmitted diseases. Since the pill has arrived, we not only see a huge increase in the number of people infected with sexually transmitted diseases but also the number of diseases that have come into existence. When I was 10 years old, AIDS did not exist and maybe another 20 other STDs. Can you imagine that? I can.
  2. The number of young women living in poverty with their babies would drop dramatically, plus the drain on the economy and the tax payers to support them.
  3. There would be no need for the millions of abortions demanded by ladies who have no partner to support them. I wonder how much taxpayer money would be available if we could take that money and put it in a bank account for another use.
God’s plan for marriage and family life is good for women, for babies, for men, for communities and for the nation. When people say “It’s nobody’s business if me and girlfriend have sex”, well it doesn’t work out that way, does it? You don’t have to be a Catholic to see the impact sex outside of marriage has on people, on families, on finances, on a nation.
I’m sure I’m wrong but since you are “rough around the edges” I wouldn’t expect this to offend you. What you wrote sounds like the textbook definition in Psych 101 of a sociopath to me. Just a thought—👍
Dear OP, When I first read your post, I tended to agree with the person who made this assessment. Your personality sounds a bit distorted. However, you may just be detached due to a trauma suffered in the past or have been let down to the point where you just don’t care anymore.

However, even if the worst-case scenario of sociopathic behavior hovers about you, the fact that you are questioning that behavior and have come to a place of overall goodwill reflects the fact that something, Someone, led you here. And who could that be but God?

We are all born with a cross we need to carry in order to follow Christ (Matthew 16:24), and what I wish you would do is pray and reflect on it and realize that your inclinations do not mold you. Your actions mold you, and in some cases they already have. But even your actions can be forgiven. You can overcome this indifference, even if it’s little by little. Go to Confession and tell a priest. There’s nothing they haven’t heard; then go to Communion. Find a priest that’s known for his kindness.

God loves you. You are unique and valuable to this world and many of us who do not suffer or are tempted by indifference want what’s best for you and will make you happy and give you joy: Jesus Christ. We want your eternal salvation.

Take a look at my profile and see the battle that I had to fight even when I didn’t want to fight it. And Jesus Christ brought me around. He is now my Love. Agape love, that is.

Let me know on here or in a PM if you feel you need further guidance.

May you have a most blessed week.
You sound like a person who hasn’t found himself, or his worth. You appear unattached, and somewhat isolated. Maybe a person who didn’t have a wholesome caring and loving background, maybe a troubled background in family life You don’t seem to relate to people, or understand them.or yourself. No man is an island, and walks through life without life causing him to ask questions about himself and life You need to discover the meaning of life and your place in it. Living jut for yourself is selfish, or at least makes you appear selfish, and certainly not congenial. or sociable, which are desirable qualities. We all have good qualities, but they have to be brought out of us, they are buried within us. We must learn to love others, and ourselves, and not just ourselves, we are sociable creatures, and if we are not we can,t advance in maturity, love knowledge, and virtue, the making of a wholesome personality Christianity does this for people when it is practiced and it shows and gives purpose to life and personal fulfillment. Of course some of this is pure speculation except the part about finding yourself , the meaning of life, and your part in it, and the part about Christianity giving meaning, and fulfillment to a persons life.
. . . Why is chastity so important? . . . Like what is so wrong with thinking you’re better than someone, if you honestly are? . . .
I only found two questions.
  1. Here’s the official line (aka truth):
2337 Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. Sexuality, in which man’s belonging to the bodily and biological world is expressed, becomes personal and truly human when it is integrated into the relationship of one person to another, in the complete and lifelong mutual gift of a man and a woman.
The virtue of chastity therefore involves the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift. . .
What was it that St Augustine said? “God, give me chastity and continence – but not just now.” Later, he felt somewhat differently. “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.”
  1. There’s nothing wrong with me thinking I’m better than you. I do have to acknowledge that it is a meaningless statement since it is God who makes the determination, even tho’ society values me over you.😉
    Just a heads up while you’re here: the world is actually upside down.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Thinking of you and praying for you and others, as well. I’d like to know how you’re doing. If you’d like, you can PM me or answer me here on the thread.
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