Just been Recieved after RCIA. My Priest has asked me to choose a Ministry to fulfil?

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After having been received over Easter as a new Catholic, my Priest has asked me to decide which Ministries I would like to fulfil. I work many varied shifts full time and it is difficult for me to dedicate a time or day every week right now. Also in my heart I feel that I really just want to spend a few months finding my way as a Catholic, attending Mass when I can, praying, learning and deepening my faith. Is it normal to be asked this straight away? I don’t feel comfortable jumping in as a server at Mass yet nd certainly not as a reader. I feel uncomfortable explaining how I feel to my Priest as I feel that he may be unhappy with my response.

Can anyone offer me some guidance please? Thank you.
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What do you suppose his motive is for asking you? Is his parish short of people, or does he think it would be good for you? In either case, my inclination would be to accept his offer, but I would still be curious to know what was behind it.

After having been received over Easter as a new Catholic, my Priest has asked me to decide which Ministries I would like to fulfil. I work many varied shifts full time and it is difficult for me to dedicate a time or day every week right now. Also in my heart I feel that I really just want to spend a few months finding my way as a Catholic, attending Mass when I can, praying, learning and deepening my faith. Is it normal to be asked this straight away? I don’t feel comfortable jumping in as a server at Mass yet nd certainly not as a reader. I feel uncomfortable explaining how I feel to my Priest as I feel that he may be unhappy with my response.

Can anyone offer me some guidance please? Thank you.
Be honest. You shouldn’t be afraid of honesty with your priest or anyone else.
I believe it is his own personal belief that a vital element of the Catholic life is for everyone to serve the Parish and contribute and commit to doing something meaningful. I agree with this and would like to do something along these lines, it’s just that right now as a new Catholic I would rather settle into my new surroundings at a pace I’m comfortable with. It’s been an incredibly intense (and amazing) experience, but as a working Family man, husband and Father, I feel that I need time just being a Catholic and allowing God to show me where He wants me to go with it. Do you think that’s reasonable for me to ask for?
I wonder if he’s asking so that you form connections with other people?

Before I was received in last year I was already involved in coffee after Mass and other groups, so by the time I was actually Catholic I knew a lot of people.
Do you think that’s reasonable for me to ask for?
It would depend on what, exactly, you’re asking for. To do nothing at all for the parish, ever? Or to give sparingly of your time, like an hour or two once a month? It makes a difference.
Tell him how you feel and ask for his advice. there are plenty of more gentle ways and ministries… it is possible he just wants to make sure you dont wander off as sometimes people do… or that you get a good grounding in service. It is very very good for our spiritual growth to serve God. Maybe you could try being a welcomer… they hand out the hymn books and greet people (if your parish has them) it only requires you being there 15/20mins before Sunday mass and staying 10 mins or so afterwards (generally) but your greeting of parishioners and smiling at newcomers and all is very rewarding and often you are on a rota and only do it a certain number of times a month. I’d say, it is a good idea to trust your priest… he has a long experience of doing God’s will and you may want to follow his lead. You should try to get used to putting your anxieties in God’s hands and letting him lead you, in matters like this… he knows all about how busy your life is and what you can and can’t do. Ask the priest what he has in mind and trust that God is leading him. I doubt that you are the first new Catholic the priest has ever come across. God bless you and welcome to the church.
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It doesn’t sound like the OP is saying he doesn’t want to be active in his parish ever. He is a new Catholic who just wants “time just being a Catholic and allowing God to show [him] where He wants [him] to go with it.”
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Have you considered asking the priest to allow you time to think about this?
A ministry is a call from God.
You should not feel pressured to take on one just to make someone else happy.
Please be honest. Tell him you don’t feel ready.
This is the truth, and no one can argue with feelings.
If another person is unhappy about your response, that is their feeling, and you’re not responsible for that.
If enough of the other parishioners were willing to fulfil ministries, you mightn’t be feeling the pressure to take on ministries at this early point of your Catholic journey.
Perhaps the priest could call again upon other more established parishioners.

A priest tried to pressure me into a ministry he felt strongly about.
He didn’t understand, but really that wasn’t my problem. I felt bad, but I don’t like to be pushed into things if it isn’t right, or the time isn’t right. I’ve served as catechist, reader, extrordinary Eucharistic monister at Mass, and in Communion to the sick, church cleaner, flower arranger, and other ministries, but in the fullness of time.

Other people don’t really know what we can carry and what’s really going on in our lives.
I was already ‘sailing too close to the wind’ with the responsibilities I already had.
Later, when I wasn’t so pressured, I did take on ministry.

A wise, good woman once said to me, “only serve at the table that the Lord calls you to serve at”.
A Jesuit once warned me, “Trishie, you are just a little ant. If you try to carry too much, it will crush you”. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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Trishie, before I read what you wrote, I saw the ant moving around and thought it was real! You are so clever, my friend!
This is typical after the Easter Vigil. Asking the new Catholics to get involved in a ministry helps keep them involved in the parish and making the adjustment to living a Catholic life.

If you do not feel you are ready, say that.
Talk to your priest. Express your apprehensions. He should leave you to find your own path.
Needless to say, the Church needs help in various ministries.
Your priest probably thinks highly of your abilities.
Just let him know how you feel and let God show you your path.
First and foremost, pray to God for guidance in this matter.
One thing I would do is consider what he is asking. I was received into the church in 2014 and the only ones in my class that I still see at mass regularly are all involved in some ministry in addition to attendingMass.
This is typical after the Easter Vigil. Asking the new Catholics to get involved in a ministry helps keep them involved in the parish and making the adjustment to living a Catholic life.

If you do not feel you are ready, say that.

One of the main fears on behalf of priests and those coordinating RCIA is that people will drop off the grid after RCIA. It happens all too often, sadly. Many times, people become part of this RCIA group, they meet weekly for the better part of a year talking about the faith. But then, once they are received into the Church and RCIA ends, they aren’t really given any direction on what to do next. Many feel disconnected as a result and fall away from the faith.

So there is a deliberate effort on the part of many priests and RCIA directors to make sure that those in RCIA find a way to be integrated into the parish and involved in ministry. I would suspect that your priest is trying to invite you to participate in this way so that you recognize you are a part of the parish community.

All that said, your feelings are certainly valid, and you can feel free to share that with your priest. I doubt he will be offended or shun you. 😉 We are all called to contribute in some way to our parish, but what that looks like will vary a lot from person to person and even within an individual depending on their station in life. If you feel like you need a few months to settle in and get your bearings, that is certainly reasonable. I would just encourage you not to let it fall off your radar indefinitely. It doesn’t sound like that is in danger of happening for you based on what you have posted, though.
I would suspect this is the priests way of getting you involved in the parish. Many people lose their way after RCIA.

I think it’s a very very good idea to take him up on his offer in any way possible. If you’re really too busy you’re too busy. If you’re really not too busy, my advice to you would be to take his advice.

I was asked to help with RCIA right after coming into the church. And a while later I was asked to lector. It made me very nervous at first, but I’m very grateful that I have served my parish. I really recommend it.
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