Keep the Lords day holy and honour thy mother and father

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My dad isn’t Catholic ( he was baptized and recently started going to mass on rare occasion( hopefully he’ll convert soon)). He often dose yard and house work on sundays. When he ask for a hand what should I do? I want to honour my mother and father, but I also want to keep the lords day holy. I talked to my mom about this and she’s talk to him.should I just explain to him every time he asks for help and let it be a bit awkward? Also if he was mulching leaves and I got the lawn mower out and a bag for him would this be a sin? And would it need to be confessed?
You have the wrong idea about Sunday if you think helping your father with yard work is a sin.
I asked my priest something similar once and he told me that if it was serving others it was okay.
If it’s a sin to do yard work on Sunday that could normally be done on another day, than how is it different then if he asked me to break any other commandment?

It’s refreshing to read a post by someone so concerned with a relationship with their parent.

Have you tried asking an apologist on this site or calling in to one of the apologists on the EWTN radio shows?

One of them could probably give you a thorough and satisfactory answer. And you don’t sound at all scrupulous to me - just my opinion. You sound like you’re simply looking for a good answer to your question.

You are in my prayers, please pray for me.
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