Hey yall! Dad’s and Mom’s and anyone with any advice! I was just curious. As some of yall may know DH and I have begun trying to conceive. Now my goofy self is just bubbling over with excitement and joy and sheer anticipation. Hubby on the other hand seems less excited then me. This was all his idea, so I know he wants it but I just cant help but wish he was more excited like me. He of course is raking over the normal fears like money, time, my education etc. but I really want him to be thinking of baby names, talking about cribs and parenting techniques etc. am i just weird or do most ladies ttc want the same? Men, how did (or do) your wives keep yall excited and involved? what could I do to keep his morale up and his exictement up? I just cant hardly contain my sheer JOY and exhiliartion and I want him to be feeling the same excitement and anticipation as I am. any advice?