At my bible study group last night parents with kids ranging from ages 7-13 were confused on what kids should know when in regard to “sex” and “the talk”. One mom bought a book called "How Are You Changing" by Jane Graver at a Christian Bookstore in town and it is for ages 8-11. It basically lays it all on the line - how babies are conceived, the marital act, male/female organs, changes that happen during puberty, etc. It is all done in a tasteful way, with God at the center. With the exception of one line that talks about how “some couples choose not to have children”, she said it was in line with Catholic teaching.
Anybody have any thoughts on what kids should know at various ages? I’ve tried to find some good Catholic resources, but most of them (by Christopher West, Colleen Mast, etc. ) are geared towards teens.
Anybody have any thoughts on what kids should know at various ages? I’ve tried to find some good Catholic resources, but most of them (by Christopher West, Colleen Mast, etc. ) are geared towards teens.