I cant imagine your position. As a parent of multiple children I can assure you that an 8 year old can and will care about the stuff you mention. They are eligible to receive, have received instruction and if it was Good instruction it covered why Mass attendance is more than just a box to check or something that interferes with a fun experience. An 8 year old can and does sin, and 8 year old can and have does holy holy things. All that being said its OUR job as parents to instill the faith in our children. It’s OUR Sunday privilege to be with OUR Lord the burden of obedience and example clearly falls on the parents here. Tip toeing around Mass to not upset an 8 year old would be inconceivable in my house. We go to Mass because we are FREE to do so. We are not threatened with death, starvation, poverty, or persecution. We give our allegiance to the faith, to God alone. Not a scout troop. And that is the example we set for our Children as responsible parents. Rebellion or not, agreement or not, that is our RESPONSIBILITY as Catholics.
That being said, yes, dispensations CAN and ARE given. As they should be. The law should not be rigid that people live in shame and fear. But honestly, if we think about the choice here it is almost ridiculous.
Surely you aren’t saying that a parent would be making a mistake to decide to take the Child to Mass right?
But it was interesting, your wording. “If you make him miss Mass” That is exactly my point. Perhaps the average 8 year old would be theologically immature to be “upset” about that, but you perhaps inadvertently made a great point. We should not MAKE a person we are the Charge of spiritually miss Mass. Especially a child!