Killing human embryos with tax payer dollars - take action

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**It takes less than 30 seconds.

Tell Congress to Vote NO** on the unethical H.R. 810 (Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005) that funds killing human embryos with tax payer dollars. This bill already has 200 co-sponsors, just 18 short of the number needed to give the bill a majority vote in the House.

Instead, ask them to support the ethical H. R. 2520 (The Smith Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005) that funds promising adult stem cell research.

It is critical that we flood Congress today with calls and e-mails asking them to vote NO on H.R. 810 and YES on H.R. 2520. Please send an e-mail to your Congressman today.

In addition, call your Congressman’s office today and tell them you do not want your taxpayer dollars supporting the unethical killing of human embryos in the name of science! We have talking points and the contact information waiting for your use here. Please let us know once you have contacted your Congressman by e-mailing

We all want to help cure life-threatening diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Despite what the media portrays, there is ethical and promising research that is in need of funding.

Urge your Congressman to instead support the Smith Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act (H.R. 2520) introduced by Pro-life Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04) which is also coming up for a vote TODAY.

This is a new federally funded stem cell research program for the scientifically sound collection and inventory of umbilical cord blood. This research has shown promising results and does not kill embryos!

Published studies have shown that cord blood stem cells have the capacity to change into other cells types, which give them the potential to treat many other debilitating conditions such as spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s, Diabetes and heart disease.

Thousands of patients have been successfully treated with cord blood cells for many diseases including Leukemia and Sickle Cell Anemia. More federal funds will make these treatments available to thousands more and will enable crucial research on this source of stem cells to continue.
Most importantly is that this research does not create embryos in order to kill them.
**Don't be confused!!!** Pro-abortion lobbyists, Members of Congress and the media are doing everything they can to confuse this complicated issue. They just say "Stem Cell Research" and they don't distinguish between ethical Adult Stem Cell Research and unethical Embryonic Stem Cell Research. 

**Here are the facts:** Already, humans with 58 different diseases have been successfully treated and cured with adult stem cells, which are obtained ethically. ZERO have been treated with embryonic stem cells which kill human embryos.

If you want to read more, we have 5 fact sheets prepared by Congressional staff to help explain and simplify this issue in an easy concise way.
The benefits of research that kills living human embryos is purely speculative and has been hyped by researchers who are after federal funding and by a media that doesn’t understand or report the difference between adult and embryonic stem cells. [Let your Congressman know how you feel (**. **

[Your Voice ( is urgently needed if we are to stop this terrible legislation in its tracks.

Thank you for fighting the battle to protect innocent human life.


Jennifer Bingham
Executive Director
Susan B. Anthony List

P.S. Life-killing H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, will be voted on in the House of Representatives TODAY! It’s vital you Contact your Congressman right away and urge a NO vote on H.R. 810. Tell your Congressman you don’t want your tax dollars funding unethical research but instead to support H.R. 2520 Smith Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 which will also be voted on today!
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