Killing in video games, Fortnite in specific

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Hello fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I have a question for you today that I would love an answer for. So this game is called Fortnite. I love it. Basically it is a game with around 100 players, where you land in a location, collect materials and guns, and try to kill other players and make it into the storm eye while being the last person alive. To cut to the chase, I would like to know if playing a game like this that involves a bit of killing other players, would be a sin. This game doesn’t include things like blood, sex, fowl language, and drugs, but it does have killing which is what I am questioning whether playing a game like this is a sin. Thanks to you all in advance, may God bless.
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I don’t think it’s sinful at all. Other games (Dark Souls, Assassins Creed, GTA) may well be, but there is minimal blood and gore. It’s just a game.

IMO, not at all.
Unless you take delight in the idea of killing, or are influenced to violence (or to some other sinful action), then no, not sinful.
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It’s simulated violence. Not real violence.

Is reading a fictional book about a war sinful?
Nothing wrong with practicing shooting and killing for hours on end!
No. But in this game, you actually do kill people not just read about it.
I’d argue you really just watching animated figures on a screen act out a “play” via electronically transmitted signals.

I play fortnite. I also play Tom Clancy and some other games. I don’t see that work of fiction as being any different than some other kind.
Pray about it. He’ll answer you. I asked the Lord to tell me games that I’m not allowed to play. The Lord has showed me very clearly that I’m not allowed to play games like Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto or Gears of War because of the violence. Just ask Him and He’ll answer you. 🙂

You have to be willing to listen to His voice, though. If He says to not play it, then you must obey that. It’s like listening to music that has borderline offensive content. Obviously we know that not all music is appropriate for a christian to listen to.
Playing video games will not make you more adept at actual violence. It may, and I use the word may extremely loosely, make you more prone to violence. But it will not make you good at committing acts of violence.
The Lord has showed me very clearly that I’m not allowed to play games like Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto
Nowadays I am less concern with the violence itself then the saltiness/toxicity. That, BTW, also include Overwatch.
I would say the game itself is not inherently sinful, but I would imagine that those games do lead to some players to start sinning in their hearts.

Personally, I believe these shooter games are one of the reasons why we have mass shooters
I really don’t like shooting games but I won a contest in which I won an Xbox and it came with that game, gears of war (I think thats the name). Like I said, I don’t like shooters. It bothers me because of the swearing against God that is done. I understand that is common nowadays, sadly.
I don’t view it as too violent though (though I am at the lowest difficulty since it said that was for if you’re new to shooters so I don’t know if that affects anything). Mostly it’s just killing robots and not people. There was this monster, too. I think it’s like the 4th in the series or something
I don’t know if it’s sinful, but it probably isn’t the best or most uplifting thing to play. I mean, when you like those games, you’re taking pleasure out of simulated killing.
I don’t know if it’s sinful. When I play KOTR of Fable I used to play bad guys sometimes, just to see how the storyline would differ.
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