no, its not that bad, or maybe it is… meaning, I’m wondering and a bit worried what this question would say about me and how I would be perceived asking it…
well,anyway, here it is…
Why would anyone want to become ‘fishers of men’?
I mean that. I don’t get it. Maybe its just the introvert brain I have. I’m quite used to being alone and do fine just by myself- I do enjoy being around people, but I get very tired being around activity. I’m very sensitive. I just don’t understand why that would be such a ‘wow’ factor for anyone to want to join up with Christ. I don’t understand what that phrase means.
I just don’t know why the apostles would be like “wow, that’s something I want to do!” I see the phrase used in vocation ads and videos, but I never understand it, it doesn’t grab me, wow me, or anything. I don’t understand why that would be such an ‘exciting’ or wonderful thing you’d want to drop everything for it. I DO understand why one would drop everything for Christ, and for the sake of His Church, but the 'fishers of men" part… !!!. Why anyone would want to do that, because it kind of sounds like to me, that you want to be the center of attention and you want to have power over people… and that sounds kind of sick to me and doesn’t jive with how I know God in my own faith walk and how I think we are supposed to be. So I’m confused about it.
I guess that is what I’m asking for- some sort of glimpse of it, so I could maybe understand, because its been bothering me for a long while now. Maybe I just never looked at that Scripture the right way. Maybe its a ‘man’ thing only, I dunno.
Please someone fill me in. (and please don’t judge me too harshly for asking. I know its kinda central to the whole business, but still… I don’t get it.!!!)
well,anyway, here it is…
Why would anyone want to become ‘fishers of men’?
I mean that. I don’t get it. Maybe its just the introvert brain I have. I’m quite used to being alone and do fine just by myself- I do enjoy being around people, but I get very tired being around activity. I’m very sensitive. I just don’t understand why that would be such a ‘wow’ factor for anyone to want to join up with Christ. I don’t understand what that phrase means.
I just don’t know why the apostles would be like “wow, that’s something I want to do!” I see the phrase used in vocation ads and videos, but I never understand it, it doesn’t grab me, wow me, or anything. I don’t understand why that would be such an ‘exciting’ or wonderful thing you’d want to drop everything for it. I DO understand why one would drop everything for Christ, and for the sake of His Church, but the 'fishers of men" part… !!!. Why anyone would want to do that, because it kind of sounds like to me, that you want to be the center of attention and you want to have power over people… and that sounds kind of sick to me and doesn’t jive with how I know God in my own faith walk and how I think we are supposed to be. So I’m confused about it.
I realize though that that could just be me, and that no everyone is called to the same purpose. But still, can someone fill me in about that phrase and what it means to them? If that attracts you or sounds like such a great thing, can you describe to me what it is about that that calls you? Sometimes, with me, I don't understand a passion another might have about something until I see their love for it shining through their eyes.
Please someone fill me in. (and please don’t judge me too harshly for asking. I know its kinda central to the whole business, but still… I don’t get it.!!!)