Hey all. I was going to get married a few years ago and I was very happy but unprepared. Things kind of fell apart and we didn’t go through with it as I was eventually left with no choice in the matter. All my life I had fantasies about being a knight and my former fiancé used to call me her knight. Well after we parted ways I reverted to the church and it really was and still is a miraculous experience. I joined the k of c and finally took the 4th degree about a year ago. I had never felt so self actualized and like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. My grandparents are a knight and lady of the holy sepulchre. I have been single now for almost three years and have been very ascetic and studious as well as discussive about our faith. They keep pressuring me to join the priest hood or become a monk. I’ve considered the deaconate but honestly I don’t really feel called. What do I say to them? It seems like everytime I’m at a family gathering they make insinuations about what I should be doing with my life. I am a hopeless romantic but I haven’t been in love for a while as I was devestated when my lady left me when I was at my weakest. Now that I am stronger I enjoy my life today and though I have some regrets I still feel the hand of God over some of the better parts of my life now that I didn’t seem to have before. I had a very immediate and dramatic conversion that makes a lot of people I know not just my grandparents say I should become a priest. I just don’t see myself in it. Knights who are clerics do not wear swords and the sword has been a very intense theological and psychological symbol for me as long as I can remember when it comes to my relationship with God. Any comments, suggestions?