I got an issue of Frontline , fall 2006 from the Komen Foundation. The lead story states that “Embryonic stem cells (derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro and then donated for research purposes) have the potential to give rise to many different types of tissue. Because of this, embryonic stem cells are currently considered to have the most potential for use in the regeneration of diseased or injured tissues.” No web reference that I could find, just the paper.
This seems to be an unnecessary foray into recommending embryonic stem cell research. Any comments? Am I paranoid here? I have heard that Komen gives to Planned Parenthood. Maybe they are scratching the other’s back?
This seems to be an unnecessary foray into recommending embryonic stem cell research. Any comments? Am I paranoid here? I have heard that Komen gives to Planned Parenthood. Maybe they are scratching the other’s back?