This came up in another thread a couple weeks ago, and I thought it might be interesting to give it it’s own thread.
Everyone I know who is Catholic that I’ve heard talk about Kristin Lavransdatter thinks it is the best book ever. My YA Catholic book club is in the middle of reading it… And I despise it. Kristin is a jerk, and I liked Arne, Simon and Lavrans way more… Which meant I lost all interest after Erlend the Evil appeared… I’ve been told that in the later portion (I made it through the first volume and a couple chapters of the second) she is properly punished… But I just didn’t like her at all as person.
For whatever it’s worth in analyzing my normal reading preferences, my favorite authors are Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Flannery O’Connor, Dostoevsky, Chesterton, Tolkiem, Louis Dee Wohl, Myrtle Read and Shakespeare.
Anyone else who didn’t like her? Or, if you do, I’d love to hear why!
Everyone I know who is Catholic that I’ve heard talk about Kristin Lavransdatter thinks it is the best book ever. My YA Catholic book club is in the middle of reading it… And I despise it. Kristin is a jerk, and I liked Arne, Simon and Lavrans way more… Which meant I lost all interest after Erlend the Evil appeared… I’ve been told that in the later portion (I made it through the first volume and a couple chapters of the second) she is properly punished… But I just didn’t like her at all as person.
For whatever it’s worth in analyzing my normal reading preferences, my favorite authors are Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Flannery O’Connor, Dostoevsky, Chesterton, Tolkiem, Louis Dee Wohl, Myrtle Read and Shakespeare.
Anyone else who didn’t like her? Or, if you do, I’d love to hear why!