Lack of Catechism

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I found it a bit saddening that a lot of catholics lack catechism and sometimes the one who serves the church lack it the most so they jump into conclusions that the thing that they are doing during the liturgy is correct or the things that they believe in is right and not considered by the church heresy

What do you think about the Lack of Catechism? What solution can you propose to at least lessen the problem?
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By Catechism, I am going to assume knowledge of the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church, right?

Part of this is because for years the Church has put the cart before the horse (or the Catechism before the horse).

Think of a sport like baseball. If you grab your child and take them to a baseball game for the first time, they may get caught up in the emotional excitement from the people around them, but, they are not likely to begin pouring over stats and history and making fantasy baseball teams. In fact, they may find baseball to be boring and decide as soon as they are old enough they will never go to another baseball game.

If, however, that child sees their parent as a baseball player, where it is part of family life instead of a spectator sport, they are more likely to want to learn the history, the stats, the intricacies of the game.

In our world today, and for the past generation or two, school is about passing the test. After the test, they don’t need that knowledge and they cram for the next test. Sacramental prep has become the same thing.

We need to foster a love of the Faith by becoming and modeling discipleship, others become disciples. When you are a disciple, you hunger to learn!
We need to foster a love of the Faith by becoming and modeling discipleship, others become disciples. When you are a disciple, you hunger to learn!
I totally agree! When I was taught by a nun during catechism class I would always hunger for answers and hunger to learn more for some reason.
It is the only sport that I know of with the intricacies and details, it is the thinking person’s sport 🙂
Ahhh… This is another million dollar question. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a document. A book with over 700 pages. Catechesis is the teachings of the Church based on the Catechism. The 1300 children in my parish that are under my faith formational care have some exposure to the Catechism. I cannot say that anyone has read the entire document. I am pretty sure the three priests on our staff have read it. Only a few of us on our staff of 15 have degrees/advanced training in theology/catechism. I am not sure of the training of our hundreds of volunteers that serve our parish.
It is the only sport that I know of with the intricacies and details, it is the thinking person’s sport 🙂
I live in the “mission fields” of the American South. NASCAR is the sport of choice down here. The “catechism” of NASCAR gets bigger every year because the teams find new ways to “interpret” the rules. The cars and tracks change every couple of years. I am so glad the Church does not change that often.
Is there a Catechism web site -
Where you can type an entry question - press search -
And they give the page and answer ?
I have the book -
But for some reason -
Haven’t gotten around to really studying it -
Book must go through “ revisions “ as time goes on…
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What do you think about the Lack of Catechism?
You mean lack of catechesis, or instruction. You are correct that catechesis is poor, in many parishes. Catholics do not know the teachings of their faith and many are unable to resist the teachings of the pagan world.
I’d also strongly suggest Trent Horn’s book ‘Why are we Catholic’’.

I come from what I refer to as the ‘felt banner’ period of Catholicism. I think alot of the religious training we got was from well meaning people who themselves may have been catechized, but had very little in the way of training. And the resources were crap. ‘Imagine sitting on the beach eating with Jesus. What would you say?’

My Grandmother gave me the Baltimore catechism. That was a good start. In HS I learned the philosophy behind it all. Once I got that, I was sucked in.

I think too often we get sucked into just ‘God Loves You’. Which is true, but horribly insufficient knowledge to keep someone in the Church.
Wow ! ! 😇 Glad I asked ! !
Those two sites have it all ! !

I have obviously noticed that some of the posters, on this site,
have these tremendous answers - even to the silliest of questions -

Today - I feel blessed !
Those two sites are absolute - treasure coves !
A book with over 700 pages.
Couldn’t a shorter Catechism be developed for ‘general use’?
Though they aren’t as extensive as the CCC because they were written centuries ago, Luther created a Large Catechism and a Small Catechism for children. Presbyterians have the Westminster Larger Catechism for adults that are ‘more educated’ and a Shorter one for everyone else.
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I found it a bit saddening that a lot of catholics lack catechism and sometimes the one who serves the church lack it the most so they jump into conclusions that the thing that they are doing during the liturgy is correct or the things that they believe in is right and not considered by the church heresy

What do you think about the Lack of Catechism? What solution can you propose to at least lessen the problem?
Teaching the child is not just down to the Church. This is something the parents should be doing on an ongoing basis.
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