(QUOTE) " This is exactly what I am referring to. Mother’s and father’s do not want their kids to go off and become a religious, yet they pray for vocations?? this is so ironic to me.
I was recently discussing this with a friend of mine and she said she would not want her son to be Priest. I asked her why not and she replied, it would be a difficult life, I asked her why a life as a religious would be any more difficult than marriage etc, she couldn’t answer me." (Teresa9)
I was reading this and I can attest to some of these feelings, as I have recently told my family that I have a vocation to the religious life, and let me tell you that they were not impressed that their daughter, granddaughter, sister, wanted to become a nun. My mother had the exact question for me “Why on earth would you want to do this?! You are so young, you don’t know what life is LIKE yet! DO you know that you will have to give up, all most everything!!”
This put me in an awkward position, but I tried my best to answer her. I am well aware of the sacrifices that will be made, but you know what? It’s not that big of a deal to me. The joy and happiness I feel when I think of devoting myself to GOd in this way, makes nothing too difficult to give up for Him. He is my God, the Love of my life, and who would not do anything for their loved one? I know my parents have done everything they could to raise my brother and I the way they have…and when I ask them why they did it, they immediatly respond, “b/c we love you.” It is the same for me. I love God so much!! and because He is my Beloved, why would I let things get in my way of loving Him to the fullest way that I know how? It is no differnt than one’s love for a child or their spouse/beloved- they would do anything for them, and so would I. My Beloved, just happens to be Jesus.
Now that is to say that I can not see my family’s response. I repect their responses and can only try to explain where I am coming from, and pray that the Holy Spirit overshadows them and gives them Understanding and Wisdom. I admire my family for their courage! To have all of these doubts and caustions and yet to still trust in God and to let Him do what He wills in me. I am astounded at their courage and I thank God for their faith.
(blush) Sorry. That was quite a long tangent. Hopefully this helps!
Ter: I too will be 27 when I enter. Praised be the Lord for answering the prayers of His people!! We have asked for vocations, and He is raising them up!! (grin!!)
Peace be with you,