Ladder 49 and Christian Themes

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Go see Ladder 49, the movie about firefighters.

We thought we were just seeing an action film. But to my surprise, we discovered a number of Christian themes, specifically Catholic themes. You will spot them, too. They aren’t hidden.

The Church had a major part in the movie. You might think from the previews on TV that John Travolta’s character is the “center” of Ladder 49. Not so!

I want other Catholics to go see this film and explain all the “Catholic” stuff to me that I missed, since I am a new Catholic (this year)!

The director, Jay Russell, has done other “family-friendly” films. For that reason alone, go see Ladder 49, to let Hollywood know that we support family films and want to see more.

The reason I originally went to see this movie was to drool over my favorite actor-hunk other than my husband, Robert Patrick (Terminator 2–Melting Man, also Doggett on X-files).

In real life, he’s a family man and a Catholic who wears 5 medals: St. Patrick, St. Florian, St. Christopher, a crucifix, and a cross!

While he was filming Ladder 49, he had his wife and kids’ names tattooed on his chest, over his heart! It would be kind of hard to have an affair with this guy, wouldn’t it? “Ummm, could you put a shirt on while we…?” All joking aside, what a talisman against Hollywood’s many temptations. A literal “engraving” of your loved ones over your heart.

There are a FEW s-words in the movie, but c’mon, these are firefighters from Baltimore! Very little bad language, considering the setting. No f-word, a few a-words. I don’t think there were any d-words. Just another example of the director’s sensitivity to God, since only God has the right to use the d-word? I’m fairly certain there wasn’t any misuse of the name of the Blessed Mother.

There are several scenes where the Sacrament of Reconciliation is…well, I can’t describe it without giving away plot! Sffice it to say that those involved get their “come-uppance” in a very funny way!

There is one incidence of the main character spending the night with his girlfriend; it’s not graphic. In fact, he commits himself to her afterwards with a symbolic act of turning his “claddagh” ring around. Too bad he didn’t do it before, but remember, these are tough firefighters, not seminarians. At least he commits himself to her and marries her. Once they are married, in spite of all the trials, they stick together and work through their problems, a great example.

There is divorce in the movie. The Captain, John Travolta’s character, talks about his divorce after only nine months of marriage to a woman that hated his firefighting job. Sounds like there were no children from the marriage, and sounds like he never remarried, in spite of being a very nice-looking guy!

There are lots of bar scenes. In fact, I thought the contrast between the bar scenes and the church scenes were interesting. I do not drink alcohol, but strangely, I wasn’t offended by these drinking scenes.

I would not recommend bringing small kids to the movie, because there are a couple of deaths of daddies, and an icky scene where a firefighter, a daddy, gets horribly burned. (It’s not graphic, except when he’s in the hospital, and even then, it’s not that bad.) I think a small child might get scared of the death and danger, although you know your children better than I do. I suppose some children might just be proud that there are such brave men in the world.

It is definitely a movie with heroes, and I personally would take mature young children.

There is a wonderful scene where a young girl is rescued that made me cheer. I won’t say why because it will give away plot, but there is a great deal of Christian symbolism in this scene. You’ll see and you’ll love it.

DEFINITELY bring your pre-teens and teens, or let them go with their friends. The movie has so many values, so many virtues, that they will benefit greatly from it.
I see no movies starring anyone involved with Scientology.

I don’t want to put money in their pockets, you think Pro-choice people are bad…do some research on Scientology…

It’s unfortunate that my movie star boyfriend ( Joaquin Phoenix) is in it, because I just want to make out with him… alas, it’s the one movie of his I won’t be seeing. He usually makes really good choices for films ( Quills, Gladiator, etc…)
Go see Ladder 49, the movie about firefighters.

We thought we were just seeing an action film. But to my surprise, we discovered a number of Christian themes, specifically Catholic themes. You will spot them, too. They aren’t hidden.
It is definitely a movie with heroes, and I personally would take mature young children.
There is a wonderful scene where a young girl is rescued that made me cheer. I won’t say why because it will give away plot, but there is a great deal of Christian symbolism in this scene. You’ll see and you’ll love it.
DEFINITELY bring your pre-teens and teens, or let them go with their friends. The movie has so many values, so many virtues, that they will benefit greatly from it.
Hey thanks alot. We were considering this. And wondering if appropriate for pre-teens.Think we’ll go now!!!
I urge you to change your mind.

I agree with you about Scientology, an evil cult that deceives a lot of people, including influential Hollywood people.

But there are decent Catholic people in the movie, like my guy Robert Patrick. And there are lots of decent Christian people very likely working on the crew. My daughter may someday have a job (technical) out in Hollywood or in another theatrical venue, and she will have to work with people like Travolta, and I hope that people will not boycott movies that she works with, because she will lose income and future work. (She already works in theater with “questionable” people with all kinds of philosophies.)

The movie itself is excellent. It’s not Travolta’s script/screenplay. The screenplay writer did an excellent job. I personally, with my newbie knowledge, saw no indication of scientologic philosophy or teachings in the film. I wish I could tell you what I DID see, but again, it will give away the plot. Let’s just say that it concerns one of the sacraments, and it made me cry when I saw it. I have never had such a clear teaching on that particular Sacrament. Remember, I am from an evangelical background, and this movie made everything clear to me!

JMO, but I think you might be too rigid on this one. When you think about it, there are cultists involved in a lot of what we consume, along with all the stuff we consume that very likely oppresses the poor. Of course, I don’t know your background, so I speak with fear and trembling. If someone you love was terribly hurt by Scientology, then obviously, this will be a bad thing for you.

If it really hurts your conscience, perhaps wait until it gets to the dollar theater. Or go see it at a friend’s house who has rented the DVD without any of your money.
To me, it’s not even if there is anything in the movie scientology related, it’s that the celebrities who are Scieno’s give huge chunks of the salary to this group. Who then go on bilking those within the cult for huge amounts of money for garbage philosphy.
It’s not that I can’t deal with differing opinions, but I don’t want my hard earned cash (in Boston its upwards of 10 bucks to see a movie) going to have people work in labor camps because they can’t afford to pay off their debts to their “religion” or that they harass, and sue people who speak out against the “cult”

I havent seen a Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Leah Remini, Catherine Bell, et all piece of entertainment in years.
I see no movies starring anyone involved with Scientology.

I don’t want to put money in their pockets, you think Pro-choice people are bad…do some research on Scientology…

It’s unfortunate that my movie star boyfriend ( Joaquin Phoenix) is in it, because I just want to make out with him… alas, it’s the one movie of his I won’t be seeing. He usually makes really good choices for films ( Quills, Gladiator, etc…)
Uh, did you see Lord of the Rings? There were a lot of liberal idiots with strange religious views starring in that one. In fact, I think Gimley was one of the only people with heavy duty morals in that movie. There were probably a few scientologists in that flick too. Definitely some eco-spirituality people. Despite that, they were excellent movies. I’m not plugging 49 since I haven’t seen it but I wouldn’t rule it out over one looney scientologist.
…It’s unfortunate that my movie star boyfriend ( Joaquin Phoenix) is in it, because I just want to make out with him… alas, it’s the one movie of his I won’t be seeing. He usually makes really good choices for films ( Quills, Gladiator, etc…)
You believe that Joaquin Phoenix’s choice to appear in *Quills * was good? That film is akin to porn, at least in my opinion. What a totally creepy movie! He is a good actor, though, and I do like nearly all of his films.

I see no movies starring anyone involved with Scientology.
Sorry–how ridiculous! How does that alter the movie?

It doesn’t!!!
It doesn’t involve anything with the actual production of the movie.

But, to be honest here, if I had said that all profits from this movie we going to support Pro-choice activities people would be boycotting left and right.

Scientology, is an evil evil cult. Money that John Travolta makes will basically be going into their hands, and I choose not to put my money into evils hands.

As for Quills, it was definetly disturbing, but let’s be honest, the Marquis de Sade wasn’t a wholesome friendly guy. Joaquin made his part in the film intersting and endearing as a priest who was dedicated to his job, and yet a little conflicted over his love for Kate Winslet.
Can’t wait to go and see it thanks for the great review, and lizziebeth its always good to stand for something, but are you as conscious about the products you buy, the stores you shop at, the church you go to, the restarants you eat at. It’s sad but you would be amazed at how many people give to things we catholics do not believe in.
lizziebeth730 said:
It doesn’t involve anything with the actual production of the movie.

But, to be honest here, if I had said that all profits from this movie we going to support Pro-choice activities people would be boycotting left and right.

Scientology, is an evil evil cult. Money that John Travolta makes will basically be going into their hands, and I choose not to put my money into evils hands.
Once again, with this logic, you wouldn’t be able to see any movie. I don’t think I’ve seen too many movies with an entire cast of pure people who donate to pure things. Heck, I’m not even too happy with Mel Gibson’s charity projects. By the way, I don’t think the actress who plays Mary Magdelene in The Passion is probably the best person either. She had a pretty slimy role in one of the Matrix movies. However, neither of these people’s outside contributions diminishes the quality of The Passion. You might try and look at it this way…Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile!
I read the review on Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson’s website, one of the most conservative but reasonable Protestant websites around.

THEY gave Ladder 49 a very favorable review. They said that some New York City reviewers acccused the movie of being old-fashioned and too sentimental and not “realistic” enough about the real lives of real firemen, but that’s just all the more reason why Christians should go see the movie, because all of those things are GOOD! It’s about time we had an old-fashioned movie about old-fashioned heroes!

Focus did catch more bad words than I did (maybe I’m just oblivious because I work in a real world hospital instead of at a beautiful isolated office complex full of Christians in Colorado Springs!). But not bad. Only one F-word in the whole movie; amazing these days.

They also commented that Catholics might be offended over one part of the movie. I can’t say what that part is because it would give away a plot–grrrh, frustrating for me to be quiet! PLEASE, fellow Catholics, go see the movie so you can tell me if you were offended! I wasn’t offended, I laughed my head off, but I have only been Catholic since April. But at our very conservative, orthodox Catholic Church, people joke around all the time. There is a line that we don’t cross and we all kind of know what that line is, but we still have a sense of humor and don’t take ourselves too seriously. I don’t think Ladder 49 crossed the line, but I would love to know what others think.

I must say, it is nice of the Focus on the Family people to worry about offending Catholics, don’t you think?
It’s unfortunate that my movie star boyfriend ( Joaquin Phoenix) is in it, because I just want to make out with him… alas, it’s the one movie of his I won’t be seeing.
Alas, is right…I’ll have you know Joaquin is** MY ** movie star boyfriend. 😉
Cat - thanks for the review. Good perspective, and glad to see that we Catholics have a well-tuned radar when it comes to these issues.

Lizziebeth - you have a very good point. I’ve also made it a point not to see movies starring Scientologists. Don’t watch Greta van Sustern (sp?) for the same reason.

Back to Cat - good defense on the Scientology issue. I guess the perspective has to be one of balance, and it’s a fair bet that Robert Patrick needs the exposure more than Travolta benefits from the movie.
We went to see Ladder 49 this past weekend and loved it. It was very good. Had some very tender moments and themes of family–hubby loving his wife and family–male friendship, etc. very well done. I would recommend it for any family with kids 11 and over.
Its John Travoltas AND Tom Cruises right to do whatever they wish with their money… my money pays for the entertainement factor of the movie…what Hollywood studios or stars do is THEIR business…I look forward to the movie… it saddens and sometimes angers me when actors I like are involved in crazy things…but I need to remember…I like them ONLY for their talent…and I can appreciate talent without supporting someones personal lifestyle…

I hope people who think like this dont like Lord of the Rings… Ian Mckellan who played Gandolf (and was EXCELLENT, btw) is an admitted atheist and militant homosexual who proudly states that when he is in hotel rooms, he rips pages out of the Gideon Bibles…its sad and disgusting…but I aint going to blame the movie for his miserable life…I am sure actors in that movie dont feel that way…but should they have NOT accepted to act alongside him and threw away a paycheck? What if you found out your boss at work was an XYZ… person… do you quit…due to their beliefs?

Question: For those who enjoyed Passion of the Christ…would you turn around and get rid of the movie if Mel Gibson outright turned his back on Catholicism…had an affair on his wife…or even got sucked into Scientology himself in the next few years? Hmmm?
I just wanted to say that I was wrong about Robert Patrick’s religion. I had read one source that said he was Catholic (and he wears the medals).

But I just read an interview in the Kalamazoo paper (online) in which he states that he is considering converting to Catholicism. He is currently attending a “biker” Bible study at a Harley shop near his house “led by a dude who really walks with the Lord.” He made the comment that he is welcome to attend the Bible study “even with his language.” (He likes to use the f-word.)

So PRAY for this actor if you think of it! I am glad that he is considering converting to the original Church that Jesus founded!

I can’t help but wonder if his wife has anything to do with this. Several times in interviews she has stated that she enjoys staying home and raising their children. That doesn’t necessarily mean “religious,” but these days, it’s rare to find an actress who gives up pursuing her career to raise children. ??? All speculation, of course. But I appreciate the fact that my husband and I together are Catholic. Not everyone is so blessed.
Faithful 2 Rome:
What if you found out your boss at work was an XYZ… person… do you quit…due to their beliefs?

Question: For those who enjoyed Passion of the Christ…would you turn around and get rid of the movie if Mel Gibson outright turned his back on Catholicism…had an affair on his wife…or even got sucked into Scientology himself in the next few years? Hmmm?
First Scientology is SOOOOO not a religion. It’s a cult, so yes if my boss was a Scieno, I’d quit, because they actively try to get you in, especially under false pretenses, and they have you take classes, and when you decide it’s not for you, they charge you thousands of dollars and harass you.

I didn’t watch the Passion. I didn’t feel the need to. I think my imagination can do it more justice than anything that could ever be put on celluloid, but I can honestly say, that even if Tom Cruise wasn’t a Scientologist, but was still as horrible as he was to Nicole, I wouldn’t see him movies.
I just wanted to say that I was wrong about Robert Patrick’s religion. I had read one source that said he was Catholic (and he wears the medals).


Hey Cat~~~ Now who is Robert Patrick in the movie? I just noticed Travolta and Jacquin Phoenix. What character does Patrick play?
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