Lanciano(Sp?) Italy

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Can someone tell me what happened at Lanciano ( Sp?) Italy? I heard them talking about it on Life on the Rock. So any help would be appriciated.
Last i heard he has laid it down…his voice… he retired…
have you heard anything else… 👍
In the 8th century, in Lanciano, Italy, a priest was giving daily mass, but was losing faith in the real presence of the Eucharist. However, this time, when he was performing the consecration, the host turned to real phyiscal flesh (from a heart), and the wine turned to real liquid blood. The flesh and blood have been preserved to this day and stay in a reliquary in Lanciano.

Read Bob and Penny Lord’s “Miracles of the Eucharist” for more information.

But wait, there’s more.

The blood in the cup at Lanciano is type AB Positive. (It’s still there with no preservative agents.)

The blood on the Shroud and the Sudarium cloth were also both AB Positive!!!


I love it when a plan comes together! 😃
I remember watching Miricles of the Eucharist on EWTN, and i remember them talking about the host turning into actual body, blood. But i thoughT it was in portugal(sp?). Well I must say, thats a real miracle.
Its happened multiple time in multiple places. So it very well may be that a similar miracle occured in Portugal. Lanciano specifically, however, is in Italy.
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