My father entered hospice six weeks ago and I have been unable to visit since July 31st when he entered. My brother who is a fallen away Catholic but whom believes in God visits dad. I went to my two childhood churches, one of which we were baptized and the other we were confirmed. I was the behavior problem that got us to go to the other church from St Mary’s to St Anne’s in the same town. They stated since there was a chaplain that they didn’t want to risk getting COVID, but the Chaplain giving last rites / annointing of the sick is not Catholic. My father is atheist / agnostic.
The hospital sent a chaplain and the hospice that goes into the Catholic nursing home sent in a chaplain that does rounds. Because the chaplains were female, I suspect they’re not Catholic - they are either Episcopal or call themselves of the apolistic tradition but in some way Protestant. Should I feel like I betrayed my dad in some way? My uncle who died also had a female chaplain but he was married in the Anglican church.
The hospital sent a chaplain and the hospice that goes into the Catholic nursing home sent in a chaplain that does rounds. Because the chaplains were female, I suspect they’re not Catholic - they are either Episcopal or call themselves of the apolistic tradition but in some way Protestant. Should I feel like I betrayed my dad in some way? My uncle who died also had a female chaplain but he was married in the Anglican church.
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