Late-Night Catechism

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Can anyone tell me something about Late Night Catechism other than what the web site says?

My parish is having the show as a fund raiser and I am not sure that we aren’t shaking hands with Satan for this money. 😛

I can’t see where the good sister is anything more than sacriligious and undermining our faith.

Any information would be appreciated.

I would love it if the show was more like Mother Angelica live and without cameras – she loves the Church and still has a great sense of humor. :bounce:
Hubby and I had a blast when our parish had the show but honestly, it was something that really only the old timers can really appreciate. Hubby’s 50, I’m 44…both catholic school educated. He had the nuns with the full garb, I did not. My nuns got to wear pants and a short veil…it was new at the time.

It’s a humorous look back at the strictness of the old ways. Those who endured it well can appreciate the humor. There was one woman in the audience, however, who had a very emotional time. The actress brought back such horrible memories the woman asked the character why she was so mean to her back then! The woman was in tears, but the lovely thing was, the actress, still in character, apologized to her and they embraced in the end (they also spoke more during intermission). Obviously this woman needed that healing closure and she got it. I suspect she’s more peaceful today because of it.

We thought of bringing our teen children to the show but knew to them the character would be misunderstood. They could have walked away from the experience angered by this portrayal of nuns. You need that point of reference, in my opinion.
Thanks, I figured it wouldn’t lead any young women to have greater respect for consecrated religious life. :o

I can understand that it might be fun, but considering most of my parish family is too young. We also have a large enclave of "progressive, American Catholics (eg American Catholics are wanting to leave Rome and just don’t realize the Anglicans beat them to it.) I am concerned that they wanted to use the play to show how repressive the pre-Vatican II people are. :banghead:

Me, I am just a Neo-con, I guess. All I know is that Rome is central to our faith.
When I went,. there were several younger people in the crowd who just roared. I loved it. I highly recommend that you see it!👍
I was able to see Late-Night Catechism two years ago and laughed so hard. If it is ever in my area again I will definitely make sure to go back.
I saw it last summer. I’m not that old (22) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
It was cute. Not roll on the floor funny but entertaining in a harmless way.
My husband and I saw LNC about three years ago. We loved it. We are in our early forties. I seriously considered religious life and it brought back some very fond memories. I felt that at the end it really stated it was celebration of pre-Vatican II and not a negative reflection. Although, I can say that I think I got a little more out of it, probably because I had 12 years of Catholic schooling but my husband was a “public”.
Did Sister say she wanted to see women ordained in addition to her wistful recollection of religious in full habits (which I agree is a wonderful statement in this world).

I guess I am just too worried, for some reason it seemed like it would be less than respectful – the title alone seems suggestive to me. Guess I am just too much on alert for such things.

Thanks to all for answering. I appreciate it.
I definately would have remebered Sister wanting women ordained! :eek: No, she did not! I did however, recieve a plastic rosary for knowing my seven sacraments. :clapping: I will use it to say a parayer for you this morning. :blessyou: LNC would refer to religious instruction after regular school or CCD hours, but I see what your concern was. No,I think that would be Late, Late, Nite Catechism.:bigyikes:
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