Latin childrens song for Fun and Faith

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Not the most serious thread, but I’ve decided to share a little project I worked on. I’m not sure if you have this song, but in Protestant circles we have a children’s song called “Jesus loves me”, really simple words and all (and if not, it’s a cool one to adopt for your children!) But anyhow, to practice my Latin and because I needed a break from homework, I attempted to translate it into Latin! I think I did it correctly, and actually a music major friend of mine said he would translate it into Gregorian chant notes, haha. May be a good way to teach children Latin once more. Here it is:

Iesus amat me, hic scio
–>Jesus loves me, this I know

Propter scriptura docet me
–>For the Bible tell me so

Is tenet liberoros
–>Little ones to him belong

Sum infirmus sed potens est
–>I am weak but he is strong

Veritas, Iesus amat me ( IIIx )
–>Yes, Jesus loves me

scriptura docet me
–>The bible tells me so
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