I found a parish in my diocese that offers the Tridentine Latin Mass exclusively! Awesome! And its approved by the bishop, its not SSPX. I made sure of this. I’d like to go to the TLM somewhat regularly, although I have to acknowledge the challenges: I try to follow along in the missal, but the priest speaks the latin parts so fast that its hard to do so. I’d like to know what I’m praying for and what’s being prayed for, so I can be focused on God the entire time, but my mind wanders because I can’t keep up so I just put the missal down and listen to the prayers. If I could learn the latin to english translations by heart, I could definitely see myself going to the latin mass regularly. What’s the best way to do this, get a missal and study? Or just go as often as I can and do my best to keep up reading the missal during the liturgy, quickly glancing at the latin and then english, and so on?