Latino Reformation!

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Just read an article on TIME mag,about this subject.It reported the continued massive exodus of Hispanic Catholics to Evangelical Churches.In fact,the Baptist Church is planning to erect thousands of Hispanic churches all over the nation ,designed mainly for Catholics,who want to convert to their fold.It seems that they are doing everything to decatholicize all Hispanics.One Minister said that Priests are middlemen ,and that we dont need them anymore,as we can go directly to Jesus.It featured also a Hispanic megachurch in Chicago whose membership continues to swell,now at 17k,former catholics.It seems that USCCB is sleeping on the job!They just dissolved the Hispanic Ministry, for unknown reason/s.It does not appear anymore on their website.This is just sad ,as majority of Hispanic youth in the USA,now considered themselves Evangelicals.Any thought on this?
It makes me sick, but we have to fight back! And make sure that the Latino Catholics(as well as American Catholics) are well catechized, because “Catholics” being knowledgeable about the faith and the Church’s teachings do more harm than any Protestants ever could!
It makes me sick, but we have to fight back! And make sure that the Latino Catholics(as well as American Catholics) are well catechized, because “Catholics” being knowledgeable about the faith and the Church’s teachings do more harm than any Protestants ever could!
I agree. I recall hearing somewhere a saying in Spanish “católico ignorante, futuro protestante,” meaning that a Catholic who is ignorant about their own faith will be easy prey for Protestant conversion.
They have no idea what they are giving up. 😦 It’s like living in a mansion that serves 5 course meals everyday, has a heater and AC, running water, a loving father and mother, an unshakable roof and foundation to protect you from the elements, and lots of brothers and sisters, and saying, “No, I want to live in my tent outside with only top ramen and a tiny fire to keep me warm, and a flimsy piece of plastic to protect me from the storms.” If that’s all you know or have, then it’s better than nothing. But there’s so much more…God didn’t leave us orphans to figure everything out for ourselves! He didnt abandon us, He left us His Church, the household of God, to feed and guide and protect us!

Lets show all our brothers and sisters how awesome Our Father is, how he’s given us all we need. Say “hey my friend, I know camping outside is thrilling, but it won’t protect you from the elements, there’s a storm coming, please come back in. There’s a hot meal and loving arms to embrace you when you do. There’s a roof over your head that will never collapse. Please come home. And bring all your friends who have been outside all their lives also, there’s plenty of room for everyone. Maybe some of your brothers are hard to live with, but that doesn’t compare to the security we have inside the house. We miss you, please don’t stay away any longer!”

Oh God, help us to never take these gifts you’ve given us for granted! Let us show the whole world your love and your truth, which alone sets us free. Set us on fire, like you did the apostles, to preach the Gospel to all people. Especially to those of your children who don’t know what you have given them and are throwing it away. Use us to bring them home to You. Amen.
TIME Magazine is not an unbiased source of information. I recall reading in there once that the Anglican Communion was in no danger of splitting of the issue of homosexuality, and that was in the past few years.

There are efforts to bring back misguided and miseducated Hispanic Catholics back into the fold. There’s a lay evangelist named Jesse Romero who does some good work in that regard.

As for the USCCB dissolving Hispanic Ministry, I can only guess, with the benefit of the doubt, that such a specialized ministry may be obsolete in a US Church that’s 40% Hispanic now and projected to become majority Hispanic in 20 years. (I got these figure from the National Catholic Register some months ago.)
I read some where recently that 20% of Hispanics in the U.S. are Evangelical Christians. In Brazil and Hondurus there has also been a mass exodus out of the Catholic Church. The Philipines which was once 85% Roman Catholic is now only 60% Catholic.
I live in North Carolina. What is intersting to me is that the Cathollic Church in the southeast has the most vibrant and dynamic RCIA program. At the same time I would say at least half of the Hispanics that I meet in NC are Evangelical Christians. It is painful for me to say this but it is not just the U.S. Conference of Bishops that has become complacent but rather the Cahtolic Church on North and South America not to mention in the Philipines.
God willing the church will be shaken out of it’s complacency resulting in a renewal. If there is to be a renewal one thing is very clear. The renewal will need both lay people and the Bishops to be proactive in evanglizations. If not I fear this exodus with continue. :signofcross:
Just read an article on TIME mag,about this subject.It reported the continued massive exodus of Hispanic Catholics to Evangelical Churches.In fact,the Baptist Church is planning to erect thousands of Hispanic churches all over the nation ,designed mainly for Catholics,who want to convert to their fold.It seems that they are doing everything to decatholicize all Hispanics.One Minister said that Priests are middlemen ,and that we dont need them anymore,as we can go directly to Jesus.It featured also a Hispanic megachurch in Chicago whose membership continues to swell,now at 17k,former catholics.It seems that USCCB is sleeping on the job!They just dissolved the Hispanic Ministry, for unknown reason/s.It does not appear anymore on their website.This is just sad ,as majority of Hispanic youth in the USA,now considered themselves Evangelicals.Any thought on this?
Its ironic that a minister is saying that we dont need priesto to get to Jesus. In that case why is he a minister? Im guessing to extort people.

It is really sad that my people, with a proud history, tradition towards the Catholic Church, a faith that a lot of our ancestors probably not once picked up and read the bible, but had faith in what the Church thought. It makes me upset and sad as well. TO see these ppl come to america and instead of remembering their history and tradition that was passed down to us from our grandparents and great grandparents. It is sad, I hope these ppl are able to see in time the huge mistake that they are doing.
It wouldn’t hurt for some of us to learn Spanish, especially catechism teachers, R.C.I.A. teachers and clergy. Also make sure that many written materials are bi-lingual. Also bi-lingual rosaries and prayer groups. That’s a good way to combat the Catholic ignorance that leads to Protestantism.
It wouldn’t hurt for some of us to learn Spanish, especially catechism teachers, R.C.I.A. teachers and clergy. Also make sure that many written materials are bi-lingual. Also bi-lingual rosaries and prayer groups. That’s a good way to combat the Catholic ignorance that leads to Protestantism.
I agree. Where I live (which is about 55% Hispanic) there are three Catholic Churches–only one has Spanish Mass and a Charismatic prayer group in Spanish. However, the town is pockmarked with dozens of Evangelical and/or Pentecostal congregations that offer services in Spanish.

There is a darker reason for some [CERTAINLY NOT ALL] of the defections from the Church among US Hispanics. I heard on EWTN radio once, some months ago, that one reason Hispanic immigrants leave the Church is that young men from Latin America come to the US seeking to support wives and children from sacramental Catholic marriages. When they come to the US, for various reasons they forget their family obligations and meet local girls. The Catholic churches refuse to marry these couples because the man has a wife back home, but Evangelical ministers will gladly “marry” them, and claim that their original marriage was invalid because it was done by the “evil” Catholic Church! And that’s one way to make a new Hispanic Evangelical. 😦
“católico ignorante, futuro protestante”

Spot on. And no point in blaming the Protestants. Keeping Catholics Catholic is going to be 95% a Catholic lay responsibility. And the laity can’t wait around for the clergy to provide classes and programs that are to everyone’s liking and convenience. Each adult Catholic must take responsibility for his or her faith formation.
Over the years, I’ve been approached by Mormons, JW’s and Protestants inviting and/or asking me to join their religion. Have never seen a Catholic do such a thing. Catholics recognize the problem but seem to do nothing about it. No doubt poor catethesis plays a part. I think Catholics are not encouraged to talk to others about their faith.
Maybe this is the perfect time to have our new Pope Francis from Argentina! Maybe a Latino Counter-reformation?:highprayer:
I pass out rosaries to the day laborers at home depots every week the plastic ones are only 25 cents if you by a box of 100 i have been told I am making a big difference in thier lives I suggest engaging the culture
I have purchased “Pillar of Truth /Pillar of Faith” here on this website and have distributed them to Hispanics and non Hispanics ,as well.
I pass out rosaries to the day laborers at home depots every week the plastic ones are only 25 cents if you by a box of 100 i have been told I am making a big difference in thier lives I suggest engaging the culture
You could also make copies of that flyer that states: who started your church?" It listed on one page ,most of diffrent christian denom,when it was founded and who did.At the end ,it states that the CC was founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD,Matthew 16:18.

Another reason,as well why Catholics are leaving,is due to poor themed homilies .It is common for our Priests to discuss how Adam and Eve lived many eons ago ,whilst Evangelical Minsiters tackle about the current issues.These are the comments I heard from Hispanic Catholics,who attended Non Catholic services.They felt uplifted ,when they worship at Evangelical churches and felt defeated after attending Mass,as many Priests,will emphasize suffering vs victory,as gateway to heaven!
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